Hello, I'm from Eastern Europe, but I've genuinely had no luck actually getting info on this bug. These are photos from three different individuals that I've taken care of in the past few minutes, they're somewhat faster, but they're all about the same size as the third picture. They're pretty hard to see, crawl up my walls, and generally only show up after 5 pm or so. Does anyone have any clue what they might be? I've taken the photos with the highest zoom I could, so you should be able to enlarge them without it becoming unrecognizable. Thanks for the help!
I'm suspecting newly hatched cockroaches.
I looked them up, and found this bit of information:
"A German cockroach is a white and extremely small right after newly hatched — almost too comparatively tiny to see with the naked human eye." The brown colors appear within hours of hatching, according to another article.
The egg cases may have come hidden in the corrugations of a cardboard box. I've had that happen twice in the last 7 years, but we were able to eradicate them successfully each time. Now I unpack all delivery boxes immediately and put the box outside my house until I can take it to be recycled. Sticky traps baited with peanut butter are safe to use if you have children and don't want poison in your house.
My first thought was that it's shaped like a cricket, but obviously too small. But wait! Pinhead crickets! They're sold as reptile food so I could only find feed sites. Here's one: https://joshsfrogs.com/cp/josh...
Name: Sally central Maryland (Zone 7b) See you in the funny papers!
surely something close to a cricket or roach. Note long antennae, and maybe cerci pointing out the rear? You would expect to find adults at some point.