graycrna4u said: I would cut it back, and fertilize it. In zone 0b, you are definitely done for the season. Wait and see what comes up in the spring. Peonies are very resilient.
Mieko2 said: I see you have drip irrigation in the pot.
Did you stick your fingers in to see if the potting medium is too wet? Plants will wilt when they are over watered.
CarolineScott said: I take it that these were potted peonies?
Perhaps it would be an idea to defer planting in ground until cooler weather comes?
bumplbea said: I never water any of the garden peony's and just enough to dampen the potted peony's. In winter they get rain and snow… that's all. They like drier conditions - insitsu.
Giving the wilted plant time is a good way to go…you also may want to remove the top leaf growth not to stress the roots out any more. The plant is telling the gardener it doesn't have enough roots to support the foliage.
pone31 said: Would you try to just cut one stem at a time and see if the plant responds? Is there an optimal place to cut the stem?
LizinElizabeth said: I'd just put it in a cool, shady spot, maybe some sun in the morning only, until it goes dormant.