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Oct 2, 2023 5:19 PM CST
Thread OP
Veracruz, Mexico. (Zone 12a)
Region: Mexico
Hi, im gonna start my first compost bucket and for browns i grab a box full of cardboard from my local market. To make the cutting process easier, i leave them in a bucket of water; this morning i notice a soap or detergent like smell in the water and some cardboard smell more than others. After inspection, all of them used to contain food related items no soap or anything like that. Is my first time doing this so i dont know if it is normal, the last thing i wanna do is add something harmful to my plants.
Oct 3, 2023 5:29 AM CST
Name: stone
near Macon Georgia (USA) (Zone 8a)
Garden Sages Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Plant Identifier
I've never added cardboard to compost... I have lined my garden paths with it b4 covering with woodchips...
The only problem I ever noticed was that there was a lot of plastic tape to take back up later.

Food boxes are often wax coated... I always found them desirable for getting a fire going when the wood was damp...

Soap is said to promote plant growth, causing algae blooms when it washes into streams...

How it affects the compost, I couldn't say...
Last edited by stone Oct 3, 2023 5:30 AM Icon for preview
Oct 3, 2023 6:16 AM CST
Name: Sally
central Maryland (Zone 7b)
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I could imagine there may be something added in the making of the cardboard. What, who knows.
Plant it and they will come.
Oct 26, 2023 2:47 PM CST
Name: Al F.
5b-6a mid-MI
Knowledge counters trepidation.
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A wide variety of chemicals are utilized by the paper industry, which would include making cardboard.

See here:

* Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for. ~ Socrates
* Change might not always bring growth, but there is no growth without change.
* Mother Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.
Mar 11, 2024 11:42 AM CST
Taos, New Mexico (Zone 5b)
Crescit Eundo
Greenhouse Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Region: New Mexico
I occasionally add cardboard to my compost but I've never noticed a soapy smell. But I don't soak it either. I wouldn't worry about it unless you have other reasons to think it might be contaminated.

More information: Don't use cardboard that has a lot of printing, color glossy printing, a plasticky coating or that appears to be contaminated. Greasy cardboard board shouldn't be used. Be sure to remove any parts that are not cardboard (labels, windows, etc) and peel off any tape.
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  • Started by: Cooper24
  • Replies: 4, views: 405
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