This is a gorgeous plant, you grew and flowered it very well!!
I assume you mean Disocactus x hybridus 'Ackermannii'. I see you are in zone 6b, just like me. I have an unheated but well insulated garage, and comes Fall - I leave this one (and similar Epi hybrids) in front of the garage until night temps go into the forties F, then move it into the garage but leave the door open at day time. Once it gets too cold to leave the garage door open during the day, I simply close the door, done. Temps go down into the forties in the garage and there is just a little bit light. I slow down on watering and let the plant go dormant. Comes Spring I reverse the process.
I know that many Germans ( in my time years ago) simply used to overwinter 'Ackermannii' and similar in their Potato cellars, pretty much in the dark.
What I am trying to say, if you have no space in the house for it, letting it sleep through the Winter is actually a good thing for this one. I keep the space in the house for the Epiphyllum species, they don't do that well for me being treated like that.
Hopefully I am not saying anything you knew already, if yes, just ignore me...
(I had several large plants of this one some years ago, right now I am again growing a small pot of start ups.)