I would like to add a double pink peony that doesn't need support. I have Rozella, purchased it last year from Adelman.
Can anyone recommend me an easy to grow double pink with strong stems?
Thanks in advance.
Here's a few I've had success with:
Pink Pom Pom (also a Reath intro, like Rozella)
Pink Pearl (Sass) - quite short and compact
Better Times (Franklin)
Sky Dance (Seidl/Bremer)
Juliska (Seidl/Bremer) - Very tall and different. Stems might lean sometimes but never hit the ground.
If you can accept a peony that produces some very fluffly semi double flowers in addition to full doubles, Kathy's Touch has an awesome flower form and great stems.
Sixteen Candles is one of my favorite shorter strong stemmed full pinks.
Manitowoc Maiden and Callisto have great color, full flowers and hold up strong.
Pastelorama has nice strong stems too. A bit pricey, but holds up pretty well.
'Sixteen Candles' I added to a research garden as Klehm Songsparrow was going out of business. I was trying to find Klehm selections that might have potential for Award of Landscape Merit. It is beautiful and I am unaware if it is in anyone's peony rotation....but it should be.
Here is 'Callisto'. I bought it when it was far cheaper than it has been of recent. It's one gorgeous peony. Probably not the best photo I have but gives you a good idea.
Thanks for the photos, Tracey. Both look great. I hope Hollingsworth Peonies makes some of the better Klehm selections available in future years. This has me excited for when Callisto and Manitowoc Maiden grow up in my garden.
How late is Rozella? Here, late full doubles often have difficulty opening and tend to ball. Solaris lists it as week 5. Have Southerners grown this one successfully?