Oct 23, 2023 8:31 AM CST
Thread OP
North Central Massachusetts (N (Zone 5b)
Life & gardens: make them beautiful
Bee Lover Butterflies Garden Photography Cat Lover Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Region: Massachusetts
Region: Ukraine
Hi everyone,

I have a quick question about cutting back all the green, leafy growth on one of my peonies.

I'm in zone 5b. One of my peonies hasn't gone brown yet. It's strange because all the others have. The green leaves are fading to light green, but not even the tips of the leaves are browning! Considering the time of year, should I cut it back now, or wait until the leaves begin to turn brown?

Thanks Thumbs up
You don't kick walls down, you pull the nails out and let them fall.
AKA Joey.
Oct 23, 2023 9:42 AM CST
Name: Liz Best
Columbiana Alabama (Zone 8a)
Annuals Winter Sowing Plant and/or Seed Trader Peonies Lilies Irises
Hummingbirder Dragonflies Dog Lover Daylilies Bee Lover Birds
At this point in the year it's probably whichever you prefer. Zone 5b you should have a hard frost soon so it'll start going dormant soon, anyway. The varieties will differ, fernleafs will typically die back and look bad
By mid summer while others hang on and look beautiful until a freeze takes them out.
Oct 23, 2023 12:27 PM CST
Thread OP
North Central Massachusetts (N (Zone 5b)
Life & gardens: make them beautiful
Bee Lover Butterflies Garden Photography Cat Lover Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Region: Massachusetts
Region: Ukraine
Thanks Liz. Very helpful. Thank You!
You don't kick walls down, you pull the nails out and let them fall.
AKA Joey.
Oct 24, 2023 3:05 AM CST
Name: LG
Nashvillle (Zone 7b)
Butterflies Garden Photography Hostas Hummingbirder Peonies Region: Tennessee
Forum moderator
I agree with Liz.
LG - My garden grows with love and a lot of hard work.
Oct 24, 2023 7:07 AM CST
Thread OP
North Central Massachusetts (N (Zone 5b)
Life & gardens: make them beautiful
Bee Lover Butterflies Garden Photography Cat Lover Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Region: Massachusetts
Region: Ukraine
Mieko2 said: I agree with Liz.

Thank You!
You don't kick walls down, you pull the nails out and let them fall.
AKA Joey.
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