'Sharply Focused' was new to my gardens in 2022, arriving for spring planting in May. Despite being its first season (had already bloomed before arrival), it sent up rebloom scapes and produced flowers its very first season. For zone 3, where many daylilies will not bloom until their second summer, that was notable. But it put on an even better show in 2023.
The blooms themselves are gorgeous, flower after flower after flower. Listed as 5.5-inches, these are not going to be lost among other blooms: the creamy throat contrasts with their creamy near-white florescence of blooms, separated by a complex eye of smokey blue-ash and eye-liner violet, and they flounce like petticoats on the breeze while flaunting their violet & blue ruffled edge.
'Sharply Focused' is not a demure daylily, tucked shyly among other blooms of the garden ... Elegant, almost luxurious in displaying its beauty, this is an aristocrat decked out lavishly for a fashionable affair.
And once the blooms begin, in early season, the rebloom scapes just keep coming... For me, 'Sharply Focused' was still sending up scapes and producing little bouquets right into September... and this was only its second summer in the gardens. One can imagine a mature, fully established daylily in the coming seasons will be nothing short of exquisite.
This daylily is striking, but it's also strong, vigorous and carefree, with sturdy scapes and good substance, holding up to rain showers as easily as afternoon sun. 'Sharply Focused' is not just another pretty face... it's a superb daylily which gives an impressive performance.
And while I love the spectacular look of this daylily, I also appreciate the quixotic ... 'Sharply Focused' also sported several polymerous blooms, which are just the final flourish of a knockout beauty.