I will try to not even look at any of the sites as they open this year—I have to get those I already have in the ground! Instead of decreasing the number of pots/grow bags they increased last fall, only got around 1/3 of the new ones in the ground, rest planted in air pots. My buying of peonies far outpaced my creation of beds to plant them in. Beds are the focus for the upcoming year! Lord, keep me strong enough not to peek at Adelman's and Solaris…Instead give me the fortitude to make new planting areas before the 50 or so roses I have coming in spring make it here! And make those beds big enough to fit the 40 or so tree peonies waiting for their final home as well as the 30 or so roses sitting with those potted tree peonies.
I ordered from My Favorite Flowers and More for the first time last fall. The delivery was kind of glitchy, the plants were delayed in shipment from China and didn't get here in time to get to me while I was at the cottage in October. Angela was kind enough to keep mine in cold storage until we made it to the new house in early December. I'm glad to say the plants seem to have suffered no long term issues with being out of the ground for that long, the roots looked great and the stems look hydrated and viable, better even today than they looked when I planted them in pots 3 weeks ago. I have 6 of them sitting in airpots outside now, 3 to take to Chattanooga to plant at my daughters house in mid January and 3 to plant here. If the plants are correctly identified MFFaM will be a go to in the upcoming years. Didn't mean to make this a referral post, just had to make a run to the cottage today and brought the 3 to plant here back home with me, hadn't really looked at any of them since planting and was happy to see them looking so good when they had what I'd normally consider a rough start.