Beautiful. : ) Mine are just starting to bloom. This is my first year with Splish-Splash. I am wondering if it will continue to bloom on and off across the seasons or just once.
Some of my flowers are making seed pods and I am wondering if I should pinch them off if the plant will make more blooms. If not then I will leave them so I can collect more seed.
For me they just bloom in June, and sometimes a little into July but that's it. I never tried pinching them off, or deadheading to see if it will bloom again. Might be worth a try, though!
I've never had luck starting them from seed, when I tried, but this year I had one pop up about 15ft away from my original plant. So, I guess, if they put their mind to it, they can!!
I"ll be interested to hear what others have to say.
I had seed given to me and winter sowed them only 4 germinated out of more than a dozen . They started dying one by one at about 8 weeks in, I was so disappointed. Will be trying again this winter if I get seeds.
It did not seem to be damping off , the seedlings were too large for that , may have been too hot I was keeping them in my new greenhouse.
Geranium seeds germinate slow and very irregular (might be months between the first to germinate and the next ones). The best way is to winter sow them. I sowed a lot of Geraniums, but never had a higher germination rate than 40%.
Jonna is right. They do germinate irregularly. I have learned take out the seedlings that sprout and just let the rest sit.
One way I found to get them to germinate faster is to put them outside and let the rain water germinate them. I usually start them indoors in the spring keeping the soil must barely moist and when I know rain is coming I put them outside. After they get a good rain, I bring back inside.
They definitely don't like to have wet feet or a lot of water. Once the crowns and roots are established though I have found them to be a somewhat tough plant.
They do not like excessive heat. Mine all went into a summer dormancy with the excessive heat and drought here this year. Though they were going to be gonners, but just let the pots sit and as soon as the temps cooled a bit, they all grew back again and I have pots of them now.
The only one I've tried from seed was Geranium wlassovianum. They wintersowed very well. I have six good sized clumps of them now, but they haven't bloomed yet.