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Dec 29, 2024 5:08 PM CST
Name: Marty
Oregon's Willamette Valley (Zone 8b)
Aroids Peonies Tropicals Bulbs Dahlias Hummingbirder

Have you checked Kaiser insurance to see if domestic partners are covered? They are covered in government-issued health insurance plans. If not, can you be covered by Medi-Cal? From US News: "In May, Democrats in the California Legislature celebrated the budget deal struck by Newsom and state lawmakers that led to the latest Medi-Cal expansion, which will see some 700,000 undocumented immigrants, ages 26-49, obtain full coverage under the program."

CASH BENEFITS like you were receiving in Canada: CAPI is a 100 percent state-funded program designed to provide monthly cash benefits to aged, blind, and disabled non-citizens who are ineligible for Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP) solely due to their immigration status.

Weren't these ideas and suggestions posted about months ago on this thread? From an old quotation: "Time is of the essence"----for you and your comfort and health, definitely true.
Last edited by oregonmarty Dec 29, 2024 5:15 PM Icon for preview
Avatar for katiebear
Dec 29, 2024 6:51 PM CST
Name: katie
Mulege, Mexico (Baja CAliforni (Zone 11a)
As a burned-out social worker, I tend to pay attention to workers who ae often ignored. When I had my knee operation the head dietician came around to see how we liked the food. (They feed Navy Admirals so it's pretty good). We got to discussing thankless jobs and she said people often promised to bring her a thank-you gift but they don't. A week later I brought her a bouquet made of vegetables. She cried!!

I had Kaiser in northern California for many years. It was fine. I figured I wouldn't have an exotic problems and I didn't.

I'm less grumpy than I was because I just had a bath. I don't have a water heater but the town water comes at an acceptable temperature for bathing. I filled my outdoor bath and had a nice bath.
Dec 29, 2024 7:10 PM CST
Name: TK
Ontario, Canada (Zone 6b)
Region: Ukraine Spiders! Cactus and Succulents Sempervivums Adeniums Bromeliad
Tropicals Aroids Orchids Hibiscus Sedums Container Gardener
breith95 said: TK, I like the journal idea. I journal every day. Keep track of the bills I've paid, what I spent on what and where, chart the weather, upcoming appointments, things that have to be done. Plus my own comments on the days, happenings. It's a great way to stay on track.

I tried journaling in the past. Was never good at it though. Never knew what to write and never stuck with it. I think it'd be handy at this point though. Just wish I'd been doing it the last 10 years. I kind of feel like I missed out on all those years. Sad

I have a pretty galaxy notebook. I'll try using that.
Слава Україні! Slava Ukraini! Glory to Ukraine!

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Dec 29, 2024 7:15 PM CST
Name: TK
Ontario, Canada (Zone 6b)
Region: Ukraine Spiders! Cactus and Succulents Sempervivums Adeniums Bromeliad
Tropicals Aroids Orchids Hibiscus Sedums Container Gardener
oregonmarty said: Macrocentra,

Have you checked Kaiser insurance to see if domestic partners are covered? They are covered in government-issued health insurance plans. If not, can you be covered by Medi-Cal? From US News: "In May, Democrats in the California Legislature celebrated the budget deal struck by Newsom and state lawmakers that led to the latest Medi-Cal expansion, which will see some 700,000 undocumented immigrants, ages 26-49, obtain full coverage under the program."

CASH BENEFITS like you were receiving in Canada: CAPI is a 100 percent state-funded program designed to provide monthly cash benefits to aged, blind, and disabled non-citizens who are ineligible for Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP) solely due to their immigration status.

Weren't these ideas and suggestions posted about months ago on this thread? From an old quotation: "Time is of the essence"----for you and your comfort and health, definitely true.

I know K contacted them a couple days ago to ask for details about getting me covered once married. Just to clarify the process. We're getting married very soon, so shouldn't be long. Smiling
Слава Україні! Slava Ukraini! Glory to Ukraine!

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Dec 30, 2024 1:32 PM CST
Name: TK
Ontario, Canada (Zone 6b)
Region: Ukraine Spiders! Cactus and Succulents Sempervivums Adeniums Bromeliad
Tropicals Aroids Orchids Hibiscus Sedums Container Gardener
Grumpy cause I had a miserable night. Couldn't sleep so I was wide awake till 4am. Now I feel exhausted. I didn't want to sleep in and have the same problem tonight though, so I got up at the usual time.

So tired... Sad

Edit - Also, Walgreens is a terrible pharmacy. Or at least the local one is. I had four prescriptions sent to them. They initially only received two. I also wanted to switch to generics to use the discount program K found so I opted to hold them until the other two prescriptions came in. I called the doctor and they confirmed they sent all four. Today I tried to call. Fought with the automated phone system forever until it finally gave up trying to understand and got me a person. I ask if they had all four prescriptions yet, and she tells me "there's a discrepancy" and hangs up on me. So I call back and fight the automated system again before sitting on hold for a while. A new person answers. I explain the situation and she tells me "I have nothing for you". I asked about the prior two and she tells me "They were cancelled". So I went to ask why and "you don't have any of them now?" She instantly snapped at me, told me to have a nice day and hung up.

So I called the doctor and told them I'm having a fiasco with the pharmacy still. They offered to contact them and I asked them to switch to a different pharmacy instead. Good riddance...
Слава Україні! Slava Ukraini! Glory to Ukraine!

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Last edited by Macrocentra Dec 30, 2024 3:20 PM Icon for preview
Dec 30, 2024 11:24 PM CST
Name: Linda Williams
Medina Co., TX (Zone 8a)
Organic Gardener Bookworm Enjoys or suffers hot summers Charter ATP Member Salvias Herbs
Bluebonnets Native Plants and Wildflowers Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Forum moderator Purslane Hummingbirder
I agree about Walgreens. I was just contacted about a lawsuit settlement against them, wanting to know if I wanted to file, since I used them for years. I know it would be a hassle, trying to find any records from all those years and all those meds I got from them. I mean, who keeps all records from that far in the past? So I have to decide if it's worth it.
I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority. E. B.White
Integrity can never be taken. It can only be given, and I wasn't going to give it up to these people. Gary Mowad
Dec 31, 2024 5:35 PM CST
Name: TK
Ontario, Canada (Zone 6b)
Region: Ukraine Spiders! Cactus and Succulents Sempervivums Adeniums Bromeliad
Tropicals Aroids Orchids Hibiscus Sedums Container Gardener
Wow... sounds like a delightful business to deal with...

I looked up the particular location I tried to use and they have over 300 1-star reviews.
Слава Україні! Slava Ukraini! Glory to Ukraine!

Want to help us provide care for a stray cat colony? Visit here!
Dec 31, 2024 7:02 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Amanda
KC metro area, Missouri (Zone 6a)
Bookworm Cat Lover Dog Lover Region: Missouri Native Plants and Wildflowers Roses
Region: United States of America Zinnias Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
THREAD IS CLOSED!!! NEW 2025 thread over here.... The thread "Grump 2025" in Sandbox forum
Avatar for katiebear
Dec 31, 2024 8:42 PM CST
Name: katie
Mulege, Mexico (Baja CAliforni (Zone 11a)
Having a grumpy New Year's Eve. No special reason: just the usual - tired and legs hurt.

Hoping it's quiet at midnight though my dogs are OK. With noise they all gather around my bed and we stay calm.
Jan 1, 2025 6:23 PM CST
Name: Linda Williams
Medina Co., TX (Zone 8a)
Organic Gardener Bookworm Enjoys or suffers hot summers Charter ATP Member Salvias Herbs
Bluebonnets Native Plants and Wildflowers Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Forum moderator Purslane Hummingbirder
Hope you have a Happy New Year's! Too late for me to enjoy the holidays. I agreed to have my grandson for a few days beginning Christmas Eve. It's always the luck of the draw with him. He's mentally ill and a sober alcoholic. Got over here, after visiting the other grandmother & family. Everything fine. Then he found out his other grandmother had faked a comment supposedly from him in a family group chat, which included his father. Both the two adult grandchildren hate their father a LOT! I should have known then it wasn't going to be okay. Anyway, he had a mental breakdown. Anything at all can set him off, and apparently I broke some unknown rule by saying some innocent phrase and it just all went downhill from there. He was supposed to leave on the 27th, but wouldn't leave to get to the airport. Anyway, he finally left today. Also, had plumbing problems. One toilet that I couldn't get unclogged, plumber finally came today, in the meantime only the master bath toilet worked at all. Septic system is having problems. Hope it can be fixed, but that will require a septic company to come out and check it out. First peaceful moment in a while.
I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority. E. B.White
Integrity can never be taken. It can only be given, and I wasn't going to give it up to these people. Gary Mowad

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