today i did a quick tour of the back garden, and happened to notice that 'saxon' is blooming from under a dwarf nandina. i'll post some other pics of others things that are still blooming or growing in january.
i haven't been actively posting much because of this rascal named 'quigley'. he's been taking up much of my time and all of my energy to train, keep him busy and out of mischievous puppy shenanigans. we were finally at wits end, an tho' i don't like to neuter before 12 - 18 mo. we had him done, and hence the cone. i had to place him on my large art desk (5' x 7') while i was busy with my watercolors so i could literally keep an eye on him.
it's only been 2 wk. to the day, since his surgery. he's a bit calmer, but not by much. i'm going to take him out for a stroll, while i wait for the transfer of pics from one device to another.
codyline fruticosa 'kaui rosebud', noid variegated kalanchoe.
my other photos don't seem to be loading onto my ipad from my phone. so i'll wait a few minutes more to edit and load the others.
Justica 'fruit salad', don't remember the name of the red leaf hibiscus, and another red cordyline in the background in the right.
Mexican lime
shallots and mini japanese round eggplants (still forming…but it's been as chilly as 38 deg. at night)
japanese cucumbers still hanging on, tho' getting a lot of mildew on the leaves.
azaleas still blooming from november, and climbing asarina(sp.?) 'joan lorraine', still going to town since july.
a wonderful, but prickly bromeliad…i cannot remember the variety.
'mickey mouse' and another noid bromeliad.
i also have a taro, variety 'mojito' but don't want to bore you, and lastly, the iris (hehe)
so sorry it's not a good representation of this lovely iris. but, it's bent stalk is too low to the ground for me to capture a good photo of it.