Weedwhacker said: Continuing to stir the pot is not helpful.
And continuing to misstate the facts is not helpful either.
In the four months since this thread began, this debate and conversation has embraced a full range of views with courtesy and respect from all parties, regardless of whether they agreed with each other. The contributions have been intelligent, thoughtful and well stated; in other words, a civil adult conversation.
With one exception: the person who has repeatedly posted childish—yes childish—comments and pictures that contributed nothing new or thoughtful to the discussion but served only to offend and annoy.
Allegations that anyone has been attacked because of their opinions are entirely unfounded—
not one single person in this thread has been attacked or "bullied" for their views on this challenging, complex topic. In fact, without actually counting, I estimate that the majority of opinions lean more toward anti-GMO, but look how many people are interested in learning more about it! That has been the joy of this thread.
have been politely ignoring those posts using inflammatory words like
crummy, disgusting, pointless, ridiculous, garbage, Frankentomato and calling vegetarians weirdos, until one person finally lost patience. I don't personally agree with the manner of that post, but I do agree with the sentiment. No one was attacking the opinion; rather the way it was presented (and had been, repeatedly).
Why shouldn't people who are trying to carry on an intelligent conversation have the right to object to one person's inappropriate behavior?