critterologist said: (If I remember correctly, you can save seeds as long as you aren't selling either the seeds or the plants, right?)
critterologist said: I'm glad the flavor isn't just "earthy,"
Scientific American said:
Tricky Taste Test: Do You Taste with Your Eyes?
A tasteful science activity from Science Buddies
(activity quoted only in part - see link for whole article)
From an early age we learn to associate colors with flavors. When something is orange, we expect an "orange" flavor. If you tasted orange pudding, you would be surprised to find it had a mint flavor. Discrepancies between the appearance of foods and their tastes can make it more difficult to identify the flavoring.
Research has shown the appearance of food can dramatically affect how it tastes to us. In one study participants ate a plate of normal-looking steak and French fries. All the participants said they enjoyed the food, and it tasted fine. When the lights were brightened, however, it was revealed that the steak was dyed a blue color, and the fries were green. When they saw this many of the participants refused to eat any more of the food—and a few even became sick.
Lucy68 said: All the tomatoes were lying down in their cages (I hadn't gotten around to staking the cages yet) and the Purple Tomato was on the top of the heap
Lucy68 said: I ate my first Purple Tomatoes yesterday. I wish I could take a photo of my happy taste buds. Man are those things good!![]()
kenisaac said: First comments from myself and my wife, and the handful of friends I gave them to for a try-
"Impressive vine size and prolific bearing in the heat"
"I am completely in love with the purple grape tomatoes. I will definitely want more next year ❤️❤️❤️"
My taste impressions: Good taste, meaty (fleshy) with noticeably thicker skin (peel) than a sunsugar, but not objectionable. Not acidic, (no 'tomato bite') but not overly sweet, either. I actually do adore Sunsugars, and so Sunsugars probably will remain my favorite for snacking by the handful. The purple is very dramatic when cut, though, and would really compliment a salad along with orange Sunsugars and red tomatoes. The purple is consistent throughout, and is a crowd pleaser, as the pictures show. The juice is also somewhat purple, reminding me of a concord grapes' juice, but not as purple.
Another family member, though, isn't impressed as it's hard to tell when they are ripe, and she thinks she tried them when unripe- but reports no tomatoes in her garden are doing well in the heat wave. She'll let them ripen more and give me more feedback as the season progresses.