My Passion in the Garden, Take a Peek

By nativeplantlover
June 23, 2021

You love your garden in bloom right now, don't you? Me too. It's heartwarming to know that so many people have an inborn love of botanical nature! The NGA hosts some positively amazing photographs! With hundreds of thousands of pictures to peruse, our joy in nature is clearly evident.

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Apr 14, 2024 12:09 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: C. Stewart
AL (Zone 8b)
I'm the one that has stumbled upon this post way after its posting but you're the type of nature•friend I could talk to for days!
I'm fascinated with native plants and I want to have them available as much as possible. I've recently learned to air propagate (well, I'm in the baby stages).
I love the information you've provided and highly appreciate it. 🌱 ❤️
Hugger of all nature things.

See my art & photography on tumblr!
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