Hi, new member here! I had a Hoya bella which my late mother gave me. Sadly it didn't survive my last house move. But I took four cuttings, and they all seem to be doing okay. I put two in jars of water, one of which had rooting powder, and I potted two, both of which had rooting powder. The cuttings were taken in November last year. They're in a north west facing window. I don't have much other option as to where to put them.
The two in jars first. Should I be potting them now? They've both got very strong and long roots.
One of the ones in the pots is doing really well, and has loads of new growing points, and several new shoots. The second one is much slower, but does seem to be growing.
Here are the two in water:
I've not fed the two potted ones at all yet, should I start doing that now? I've been watering them quite often from the bottom, as that's what my Mum did, but the soil on the top seems very dry. Should I water from the top? And is there a preferable time of day? Many thanks.
Here's the first potted one:
And the second one, which is growing at the tip, and has several growing points, and what looks like a new shoot at the base of the cutting.