Please excuse my lack of terminology. I'm wondering if you can tell me what I'm doing wrong? I planted five tubers three years ago in a large garden pot in zone 7b. The first year, I got foliage and no buds. The second year, I got foliage and some tiny buds that shriveled, but one beautiful bloom. Last fall, I was more serious (I love peonies) so I fertilized correctly and this spring got lush foliage and one thick stalk in the midst of thinner stalks. The thick stalk budded and is now blooming a gorgeous, large bloom. The other, thinner stalks had buds and all have shriveled like they did the second year. The plant receives sunlight filtered through tree leaves (I live in Arizona) and is next to a fountain that I hope provides some moisture to the surrounding air. It is dry here and I don't overwater. Last winter, I mulched and this spring uncovered the mulch from the plants. Am I doomed to only get one peony flower each year? What am I doing wrong? I'm including a shot of the one that is beginning to bloom vs one of the hard, shriveled ones.