Well, this Pomegranate took off like a rocket since I moved in last November. I did not feed it all year, but I did water it regularly. It only made a very few flowers in the Spring and then nothing the rest of the season. Maybe that was because I did not feed it.
It has now almost completely obscured the view from my kitchen window, so I definitely will prune it back severely this Winter. I originally planned to prune it back in November (next month), but I was looking at it today, and I had another idea. I think I will prune it a little to make it a bit more symmetrical, and then I will hang some Christmas decor on it for the holidays! It sort of looks like it could be a Christmas tree, or at least a Christmas bush, yes?
Then, after Epiphany, I will prune it back pretty severely---like you did with yours, Ken . It blocked the view of my bird feeders most of the Spring and Summer. I am sure whoever planted it there planted it to block the hot morning sun. The window faces directly east. I would rather keep the window blind half closed and still see my feeders any time I wish rather than have it block the sun and the view of my feeders. Besides which, the morning light is my favourite light of the day, and I do not want to block it out even if it is hot.