Jan 18, 2025 6:45 AM CST
Name: Rick Moses
Derwood, MD (Zone 7b)
Azaleas Hostas Tender Perennials Ferns Garden Photography Plant and/or Seed Trader
Forum moderator Region: United States of America Region: Mid-Atlantic Region: Maryland Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Shipping companies like to complain about rising fuels costs. I have a package on the way that was shipped via UPS.

Here is the tracking log so far:

01/17/2025 3:33 P.M. Label Created
Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet.

01/17/2025 6:41 P.M. We Have Your Package
Arrived at Facility Landover, MD, United States

01/17/2025 10:02 P.M. Departed from Facility
Chantilly, VA, United States

01/17/2025 11:48 P.M. On the Way
Arrived at Facility Louisville, KY, United States

Note that the origin is Landover, MD. One would think that it would have gone from Landover to the distribution facility here in Gaithersburg, MD, a mere 30 miles away.

But noooooooo. It went from Landover to Chantilly, VA then on to Louisville, KY. So far, it has travelled in excess of 600 miles.

The sender purchased UPS Next Day Air Saver®/UPS® Premier service. In theory, it should have arrived today. BUT, it is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday, 21-Jan. When it finally does arrive, it will have taken 4 days and travelled in excess of 1,200 miles!

Looking at the weather forecast, it probably won't make it on Tuesday as we're supposed to get several inches of snow tomorrow.

To top it all off, the package is medication. And people wonder why I don't like mail order pharmacies.
LLK: No longer by my side, but forever in my heart.
Pal tiem shree tal ma.
Jan 18, 2025 6:55 AM CST
Name: Sally
central Maryland (Zone 7b)
See you in the funny papers!
Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Procrastinator Charter ATP Member Hummingbirder Frogs and Toads Houseplants
Keeper of Poultry Vegetable Grower Region: Maryland Composter Native Plants and Wildflowers Organic Gardener
mind boggling
Plant it and they will come.
Jan 22, 2025 5:41 AM CST
Name: Rick Moses
Derwood, MD (Zone 7b)
Azaleas Hostas Tender Perennials Ferns Garden Photography Plant and/or Seed Trader
Forum moderator Region: United States of America Region: Mid-Atlantic Region: Maryland Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Update... 1,200 miles and counting!

3:33 P.M. Label Created
Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet.
United States

6:41 P.M. We Have Your Package
Arrived at Facility
Landover, MD, United States

10:28 P.M. Departed from Facility
Chantilly, VA, United States

10:02 P.M. Departed from Facility
Chantilly, VA, United States

11:48 P.M. Arrived at Facility
Louisville, KY, United States

12:13 A.M. Arrived at Facility
Louisville, KY, United States

4:28 A.M. Departed from Facility
Louisville, KY, United States

5:25 A.M. A late flight has caused a delay. Your package is scheduled to arrive today later than the communicated delivery time.

5:55 A.M. On the Way
Arrived at Facility
Linthicum, MD, United States
LLK: No longer by my side, but forever in my heart.
Pal tiem shree tal ma.
Jan 22, 2025 5:56 AM CST
Name: Sally
central Maryland (Zone 7b)
See you in the funny papers!
Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Procrastinator Charter ATP Member Hummingbirder Frogs and Toads Houseplants
Keeper of Poultry Vegetable Grower Region: Maryland Composter Native Plants and Wildflowers Organic Gardener
Plant it and they will come.
Jan 22, 2025 10:04 AM CST
Name: Pat (Backward Glance)
Lucketts, VA
Cat Lover Irises Ferns Hellebores Native Plants and Wildflowers Hostas
Clematis Peonies Lilies Garden Procrastinator Garden Art Birds
Definitely not a fan of UPS. Had a package delivered last week just dumped on the driveway. At least not in the snow, but in the path of some melting. The deck box above it in photo 2 is where packages are normally placed.
Thumb of 2025-01-22/ecnalg/b1423d

Thumb of 2025-01-22/ecnalg/7eb8e9
Feb 5, 2025 1:09 PM CST
Name: Rick Moses
Derwood, MD (Zone 7b)
Azaleas Hostas Tender Perennials Ferns Garden Photography Plant and/or Seed Trader
Forum moderator Region: United States of America Region: Mid-Atlantic Region: Maryland Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
one of the benefits of my health insurance is a gym membership to a short list of places. My choices are rather limited, but I have a Planet Fitness 4.5 miles from home, and they're open 24x7. Normally, the perk only covers a basic membership. I guess is that PF isn't a " top tier" place, the comprehensive membership is fully covered.

Tomorrow the fun begins! Aside from cardio, I'm hoping to regain strength in my upper body before spring. Those rocks aren't going to.move themselves Hilarious!
LLK: No longer by my side, but forever in my heart.
Pal tiem shree tal ma.
Feb 5, 2025 4:37 PM CST
Name: Sally
central Maryland (Zone 7b)
See you in the funny papers!
Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Procrastinator Charter ATP Member Hummingbirder Frogs and Toads Houseplants
Keeper of Poultry Vegetable Grower Region: Maryland Composter Native Plants and Wildflowers Organic Gardener
Good for you, Rick.
I do the occasional mile walk on treadmill. Some have a screen on which you can choose to watch virtual hikes from a few places.
I then used the rowing machine for 5 minutes on Monday. Nobody pointed at me and/or laughed so I must have done that ok. I like that it has upper body and core motion.

January was pretty crappy for me but I expect I am over it all now. Still need my gut to settle down a bit after bactrim.
Plant it and they will come.
Feb 6, 2025 1:02 PM CST
Name: Critter (Jill)
Frederick, MD (Zone 6b)
Charter ATP Member Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Critters Allowed Butterflies Hummingbirder Cat Lover
Bee Lover Region: Mid-Atlantic Cottage Gardener Garden Photography Tropicals Hibiscus
New insurance requires referrals, so we've been having "fun" with that. Fortunately, one of the front office people at our primary care clinic is persistent!

Rick, have you tried inclined push-ups? I can't do more than a couple of regular pushups to save my life, but if I use a chair or the stairs to put my hands on, I can do increasing numbers of those. Good for days you don't get to the gym.
We're all learners, doers, teachers.
Feb 6, 2025 3:22 PM CST
Name: Rick Moses
Derwood, MD (Zone 7b)
Azaleas Hostas Tender Perennials Ferns Garden Photography Plant and/or Seed Trader
Forum moderator Region: United States of America Region: Mid-Atlantic Region: Maryland Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Inclines put too much pressure on my shoulder. I've been doing "push ups" off of the wall and adjust the angle depending on how the shoulder acts.
LLK: No longer by my side, but forever in my heart.
Pal tiem shree tal ma.
Feb 6, 2025 3:50 PM CST
Name: Critter (Jill)
Frederick, MD (Zone 6b)
Charter ATP Member Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Critters Allowed Butterflies Hummingbirder Cat Lover
Bee Lover Region: Mid-Atlantic Cottage Gardener Garden Photography Tropicals Hibiscus
I'm glad you're bearing in mind that exercise isn't supposed to hurt!! A little soreness during it or the next day is OK. Anything more is your body warning you to back off. I've had times when I routinely took NSAIDS for knee pain or whatever, but I did not take them before going out to work in the garden, because I needed that warning sign!
We're all learners, doers, teachers.
Feb 7, 2025 3:10 PM CST
Name: Sally
central Maryland (Zone 7b)
See you in the funny papers!
Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Procrastinator Charter ATP Member Hummingbirder Frogs and Toads Houseplants
Keeper of Poultry Vegetable Grower Region: Maryland Composter Native Plants and Wildflowers Organic Gardener
I started with a new dental practice today. Mark has been using her for a year and raves. They are very nice there, small staff, personal attention. High tech, 3d computer model of my mouth. Digital x rays.
They highly recommend electric toothbrush, as did the previous place, and water pik. I do need to take good care.. have not lost any teeth yet and I like it this way.
Plant it and they will come.
Feb 7, 2025 4:59 PM CST
Name: Lisa Olson
Washington DC (Zone 7a)
For years, I resisted changing to an electric toothbrush. Only person I knew who used one was dreaded MIL. Turned out she was right about one thing.
Feb 7, 2025 5:20 PM CST
Name: Rick Moses
Derwood, MD (Zone 7b)
Azaleas Hostas Tender Perennials Ferns Garden Photography Plant and/or Seed Trader
Forum moderator Region: United States of America Region: Mid-Atlantic Region: Maryland Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
@5601Lisa ...
Check your tree mail. We've changed from Saturday to Sunday due to weather.
LLK: No longer by my side, but forever in my heart.
Pal tiem shree tal ma.
Feb 8, 2025 12:01 PM CST
Name: Critter (Jill)
Frederick, MD (Zone 6b)
Charter ATP Member Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Critters Allowed Butterflies Hummingbirder Cat Lover
Bee Lover Region: Mid-Atlantic Cottage Gardener Garden Photography Tropicals Hibiscus
We're about to switch dentists also, although I have one more appointment to get an implant placed.

There are studies showing that "water flossing" (water pik) is as good or nearly as good as using regular floss. That was good news to me, as I have never been able to make myself floss regularly. I only use the water pik occasionally, so I need to step up my game.
We're all learners, doers, teachers.

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  • Started by: RickM
  • Replies: 73, views: 735
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