Shipping companies like to complain about rising fuels costs. I have a package on the way that was shipped via UPS.
Here is the tracking log so far:
01/17/2025 3:33 P.M. Label Created
Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet.
01/17/2025 6:41 P.M. We Have Your Package
Arrived at Facility Landover, MD, United States
01/17/2025 10:02 P.M. Departed from Facility
Chantilly, VA, United States
01/17/2025 11:48 P.M. On the Way
Arrived at Facility Louisville, KY, United States
Note that the origin is Landover, MD. One would think that it would have gone from Landover to the distribution facility here in Gaithersburg, MD, a mere 30 miles away.
But noooooooo. It went from Landover to Chantilly, VA then on to Louisville, KY. So far, it has travelled in excess of 600 miles.
The sender purchased UPS Next Day Air Saver®/UPS® Premier service. In theory, it should have arrived today. BUT, it is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday, 21-Jan. When it finally does arrive, it will have taken 4 days and travelled in excess of 1,200 miles!
Looking at the weather forecast, it probably won't make it on Tuesday as we're supposed to get several inches of snow tomorrow.
To top it all off, the package is medication. And people wonder why I don't like mail order pharmacies.