@tarev Thank you for your response!
There's so many interesting hoyas, I've never even heard of shooting stars hoya yet!
Where I am, I don't think it gets too hot outside and it's always humid. But I'm not interested in growing outside for some reason. Also don't want to worry about conditions suddenly changing and fluctuating (very hot to cool) which happens often. Idk, not thinking it's really a thing people do here and really I want my plants for that space inside, like bringing the outside in, it makes me happy.
So I got some grow lights in my window now, and I gotta say, I didn't know I how much I needed lights in my window! Even when it's rainy, it's nice and bright/happy inside and I don't worry anymore about plants getting enough light.
I seem to gravitate toward the more succulent type hoyas, so I have to really make sure my substrate for them is really well draining and doesn't hold into moisture, because I already overwatered my two new hoya krimson queens 😢
@Magpie26 Hi thanks for adding your insight here too! Perfect 👌 I have a bunch of perlite! I was wondering if I could use perlite in place of pumice. I have read about charcoal in the potting mix but I still have to learn about it's benefits, thanks for sharing what works best for you 😊
My more prized plants (like my hoyas) will be planted in clear pots, I really like to be able to see the roots. Totally new concept for me.
Would you call hoya krohniana thin leaved? I'm so paranoid now about over watering. Can you explain how you use the self watering pot? There is a reserve of water at the bottom? Do you use a wick to soak up water? Does the mix stay wet? Because I added a humidity tray (lava rock) and I think that's what 'did in' my krimson queens, the soil stayed way too moist. Or maybe it was a combo of poor draining soil (the mix it came with) and water at the bottom. Also how often do you change out the extra water reserve? Or do you just use the self watering pot as an easy way to bottom water? Sorry for all the questions, this is very new to me.
I'd love to see your bloom pictures! I know I've said it before, but I have one krimson queen in my east window for (not exaggerating) very close to 20 years and it's been blooming for me for years now. Considering I wasn't into indoor plants that much back then, I'd say these plants do really well with a bit of neglect or left alone which I'm struggling with as of late haha! Trying not to helicopter around them, but it's so hard!
Yeah I'm kicking myself that I didn't take cuttings with my new krimson queens, the leaves were a bit more elongated than my other 20YO krimson queen. I have a few cuttings of other plants and hoyas rooting, but that's a whole other story how to plant them and get them growing out of a pot.
Feeling a bit over my head and scared to repot and do anything to kill my plants because I've made some mistakes, but I guess I'm also learning, so not a total loss I guess.