Hello! I was given this plant. I've asked for help in FB groups, but have had SEVERAL answers. I am hoping you can please tell me what this is. Some have said: Revolution, Speciosum, Selloum, Split Leaf.......
I truly want to know what mine is, and what the determining factors are, for this plant. She truly is a beauty, and any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Philodendron selloum is a synonym for P. bipinnatifidum
"Split Leaf" is a common name for Philodendron bipinnatifidum, Monstera deliciosa and Monstera obliqua which do not match your plant.
The leaves do closely resemble those of Philodendron speciosum but I'm not real familiar with all the different Aroids and many look similar so I'm not sure that's a match either.
Name: Gina Florida (Zone 9a) Tropical plant collector 40 years
To me, this looks quite similar to a hybrid that is being sold recently, a cross between Thaumatophyllum bipennitifidum x Philodendron speciosum.
It could well be another hybrid of T. bipennitifudum. There are several floating around on the market
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