@stone ..
stone said: I'd probably try cutting rose bramble, and leave to dry... eventually haul some additional brush or whatever and light a fire on top of rose.
Sure sounds like a good idea. Jack Harkness, a world famous rose breeder, wrote in one of his books that in nature, roses have three enemies ... Frost, fire and the teeth of animals, but none of them will kill the rose.
I have a rose friend that had more than 1,000 roses ... some in pots and some in the ground. When the Camp fire took out the whole town of Paradise, California, she lost everything. When she went back a year later, she was able to rescue more than 500 roses that came back after the fire and after the clean-up crews came in and cut down all of the trees that burned in the fire.
She said the roses she lost were the rose that were in containers.