A couple years ago I got a money tree with 5 trees sort-of braided together. As a group, they've been flourishing. One of the trunks has never produced anything, and I thought I would remove it. My concern was that if it never grows, it may be dead, or will die, and rot. Which I think would not be good for the other four trees.
After taking off enough sections to follow it down and find the base of that trunk, it turned out to be right smack in the middle of the others, so I don't think I can completely remove it without damaging the others. I did decide to cut it down to the level of the soil, so at least the bottom of the other trunks wouldn't be stuck against it. I _think_ that was a positive (although honestly I probably should have asked before cutting it.)
If it's down to the soil level, should I still worry about the dying/dead under-the-soil part of it causing any harm?
Also, there is still enough give in the other 4 trunks that I could pull them together a little closer. They're pretty loose, which I mostly like, but with the center one gone, it would be nice to get them a _little_ tighter. Anyone think that would cause any harm?
The white bit in the middle is the trunk I cut down. It's a bit messy because I went after it with a knife once the space between it and the other trunks was too tight for the pruning shears.
The remaining 4 are very healthy. (The white around the bottoms of the trunks is just diatomaceous earth.) The leaves a little scarce now because I just pruned the trees. I can see visible leaf growth already since yesterday, so I'm not concerned I've done any damage yet.