sallyg said: Ha, Poison...
Now, I wonder, if I had sprayed with Captain Jacks a few times, might I get ahead of the stink bugs? But the tomatoes themselves were so small and so few, I just gave up. It wasn't the year for me to focus on the garden. It's ok. There's always next crop or next year.
I'm not sure that would have helped, Sally. I had some CJ Deadbug Brew, but it doesn't list stink bugs as being an insect that it controls, which makes sense. The active ingredient in CJ's is spinosad which is an ingested by chewing/gnawing insects. Stink bugs pierce and suck the juices from the plant which would effectively avoid the thin layer of spinosad on the fruit. From what I can tell, a contact killer of some type is required to kill stink bugs.
I'd been using some insecticidal soap but I think that resulted in just having clean stink bugs.
The soap is supposed to kill the young ones, though. Most places say soap won't kill the adults but I watched a Youtube yesterday where a guy made the video to directly refute the claim that soap won't kill the adults. It appeared to work. BUT...I was a bit skeptical of his results. He would spray one and within 30 seconds (and he remarked about the short time period) the stink bug would be dead...I've never seen that result when I sprayed with the Safers Soap.
The ones I sprayed with soap would crawl around or fly off somewhere...a few (usually the green ones) would drop to the ground beneath the plants, but it was hot and I didn't hang around a long time to see what the time I *thought* the soap would kill them. Interestingly, when I would come back later I never found a dead stink bug at the base of the plants.
The soap also doesn't list stink bugs as being killed by it, the closest-looking insect to a stink bug that is listed, I think, is a harlequin bug.
The 0.01% pyrethrins-based sprays were the least toxic insecticide that lists stink bugs that I could find.