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Aug 31, 2024 9:42 AM CST
Thread OP
Peterborough, UK
Should I bring in my Venus flytrap when it starts heading for dormancy?

I'm in the East of England so our weather can be cold but not as extreme as elsewhere and at the moment Audrey is outside and doing well.

Would I be better to leave her outside no matter what the weather?
Aug 31, 2024 11:41 AM CST
California Central Valley (Zone 8b)
Region: California
Flytraps need a cold winter dormancy. I keep mine in a south window sill in summer and outside in my cold frame (above freezing) in winter. Some people let them spend the winter in the refrigerator but who has the luxury of that space? And it would probably end up in someone's salad. Smiling

If yours is already living outside, leave it outside but don't let it freeze.
Aug 31, 2024 11:44 AM CST
N. California (Zone 10b)
It will be fine outside down to about -5 C., but the pots might crack in freezing weather. I would only bring it into the house if it hard freezing was predicted, and even then to a cold room, and for a short time, then back out. They need a winter dormancy. If you are in the North I would guess bring it in about April, or leave it outside if it does well there.
Last edited by Hortica Aug 31, 2024 3:52 PM Icon for preview
Sep 3, 2024 8:56 AM CST
Mid Hudson Valley of N.Y. (Zone 6a)
They can take BRIEF freezes but not prolonged ones or many freeze/thaws. I've been growing them for about 20 years now. I do fridge dormancy as it gets too cold where I am. Works just fine. Here is what I do:

For VFTs I do fridge dormancy. What I do is I drain off excess water from the pots, hit them with a sulfur based fungicide and place in zip lock bags and pop them in the fridge for 3 - 3 1/2 months. I occasionally check them (once a month) for fungus and hit with a SULFUR based fungicide if needed. Late winter around February 1st I take them out hit them with SULFUR based fungicide again, clean them up (removing all the dead traps) re-pot and place under "Daylight" rated florescent or LED lights until mid to late April (Zone 6a) when I slowly acclimate them to full outdoor Sun. I've been using this method for 16 years with no losses.
Sep 4, 2024 6:49 AM CST
N. California (Zone 10b)
I've been growing them for about 55 years and they can and do take hard freezes.
The OPs climate is not as extreme as central NY.
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Sep 7, 2024 12:44 PM CST
Thread OP
Peterborough, UK
Thanks everyone for your help. At the moment it's in my catio hung where it's outside but slightly guarded from the worst elements. We don't tend to get very heavy snows or very hard frosts but at least I have a benchmark to guide me.
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