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Sep 14, 2024 3:44 PM CST
Name: Kat
Magnolia, Tx (Zone 9a)
Region: Texas Dragonflies Hummingbirder Peppers Herbs Vegetable Grower
Heirlooms Moon Gardener Enjoys or suffers hot summers Winter Sowing Bookworm Container Gardener
Thanx guys, am apparently at death warmed over stage, so recuperating.
Needed to finish the boiled egg thought. I do not use any meat products, raw, cooked, whatever in my 'compost bins', boiled eggs are meat, and this area has so many carrion drawn nasties that would be drawn to that rotting meat, that it is worth it to dispose of meat/cooked egg products without using them anywhere near my garden.
Catch ya all later! and thanx, just still fuzzy light headed occasionally!

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