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Jul 10, 2013 11:29 AM CST
Thread OP

I live in Tucson. My one year old Adeinum has curling leaves and is producing no flowers. What could be the problems? It gets plenty of sun....
Jul 10, 2013 12:05 PM CST
Name: Lee Anne Stark
Brockville, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5a)
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The leaves curl on mine when I don't water it enough. Maybe?
Jul 10, 2013 12:51 PM CST
Name: woofie
NE WA (Zone 5a)
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Maybe Dave should nudge this question over to the Adeniums forum?
Confidence is that feeling you have right before you do something really stupid.
Jul 10, 2013 12:53 PM CST Admin
Name: Dave Whitinger
Southlake, Texas (Zone 8a)
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Good idea. I moved it. Thumbs up
Jul 10, 2013 1:14 PM CST
Name: Melissa E. Keyes
St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
Zone 11+
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Hi, flowerdog!. Welcome!

I might say water. And a little food. There will be other suggestions eventually here---
Avatar for Dutchlady1
Jul 10, 2013 4:06 PM CST

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Welcome! Flowerdog!!
I have rarely seen an Adenium suffer from too little water. Having said that, you ARE in Tucson.....Can you maybe post a picture?
Jul 11, 2013 9:11 AM CST
Name: JT Sessions
Charter ATP Member Forum moderator Garden Ideas: Level 1
First thing,using a magnifying glass,check the underside of the leaves for tiny livestock.After that the list can get long...too much water,too little water,too cool,too hot etc.
Jul 12, 2013 7:32 PM CST
Name: Robert B
Bradenton, Florida (Zone 9b)
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Welcome! Lee Anne!
I just snapped these photos of my curly leaf problem child. It is a hybrid grafted one, a single purple. It took two years before I had one inkling of a bloom. I've tried more water, less water, different types of fertilizers, no fertilizer, all sun to partial shade and treated for mites and aphids but alas, it has curly leaves and rarely blooms if at all. So until I can stumble on a treatment I consider it a curly leaf adenium!

If you find a cure pass it along, I will do the same. Thumbs up


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Thumb of 2013-07-13/RobertB/a1801d
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Jul 13, 2013 6:23 PM CST
Name: tarev
San Joaquin County, CA (Zone 9b)
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Somehow it looks like the Adenium is suffering from too much heat. I have encountered that in my baby Adeniums during this recent heat wave, so I have to shelter them from direct sun during the heat wave. Our heat wave temps then went from 100F to 109F..I guess it was too much for the little ones to handle. It eventually dropped the affected leaves, but has started with new ones now. The replacement leaves are now more tolerant of the existing sun/heat conditions in our area, and heat wave is over so it is enjoying our current low-mid 90's. My other Adeniums which are more matured and have been staying outdoors since Spring did not suffer, only the little ones.

But your plant is more matured than my new little ones.. Shrug! Maybe try to give it part shade for a few more days and see how the leaves go.
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