Welcome to The Porch Swing!
Everyone is welcome to join us on the Porch Swing. A thread where we talk about cooking, books, pets, birthdays, TV, the area where we live, anything that isn't on topic for the regular daylily threads. The subject on the Porch Swing is always changing.
Don't worry about reading all of the thread, just jump right in. We're sure you'll enjoy visiting with us.
We have many threads covering a wide variety of information on the topic of Daylilies. The Daylily Forum has two threads for off topic discussion - Weather In Your Garden for weather related chat and The Porch Swing for all non-daylily messages and chat.
When a new Porch Swing thread is posted, the old Porch Swing threads will be left up for a few days, then periodically deleted, so be sure to copy any items out of the old thread that you want to keep when you see a new thread is up.
* All other off topic threads in the Daylilies Forum will be relocated to the appropriate Forum. If you inadvertently post an off topic thread to the forum, please let me know and I'll move it into its proper place, and if I see it before you do, I'll let you know by Tree-mail that I moved the thread.*
* This is a daylily discussion forum. Many of our members come here to relax and get away from the constant barrage of advertisements, spam, robocalls etc. in our everyday life. While we talk about hybridizing, hybridizers, websites, gardens, growers, sellers, purchasing plants and products, pretty much everything daylily, there is no selling or advertising in the Daylilies forum threads or posts. NGA has its own forum, the Classified and Group Buys Forum, for advertising sales. Sale and advertising threads in the Daylilies forum will be moved to the Classified forum. Individual posts in threads may also be moved to the Classified forum and/or the member will receive a tmail from me. *