Hortica said: I have grown and sold this Dracaena; they are more of a jungle species than the more common ones, so like higher humidity.
To my eyes it looks like is suffering from light levels that are too low for it. The pot is a bit large. The leaves look a bit yellow - have you tried fertilizing it?
So that looks like my plant! You folks are the best!
Thank you for taking a look; I really do appreciate it.
This plant has been through the ringer! It was even left outside for an entire summer. It used to be very lush and not so spindly. It used to fill this pot! I took very good care of it, then, for some reason it got away from me.
It does get fertilizer, but I do confess, it does not get watered more than every other weekend. It never seemed to mind that schedule until recently. And it it certainly in a room that doesn't get bright light. I can move it back to the room I moved it from a few months ago.
Is it OK growing the way it is? I put some stakes into the soil to try to keep it upright at some point, when it was a much bigger plant. Any advice on taming it? Pull it back to a smaller pot as long as the roots have some room? Should I prune it somehow? Or let it be and take better care of it.
EDIT: I have never seen it flower or fruit like the link above says:
Shiny, oval bright orange fruits contain off-white ovoid seeds