I have a HUGE unplanned melon patch growing. The Melons start out looking like baby watermelons, then turn bright smooth yellow. The stripes fade away. On the Mellon there is no hair,spots,or ridges.They are about the size of a hand palm when open.
Majormattell said: I have a HUGE unplanned melon patch growing. The Melons start out looking like baby watermelons, then turn bright smooth yellow. The stripes fade away. On the Mellon there is no hair,spots,or ridges.They are about the size of a hand palm when open.
Thanks for the replies I have tried PlantSnap and PictureThis. They say it is a muskmelon but not what type. I have never heard of a lemon cucumber! That sounds interesting! I have found ANY pictures that match it under muskmelon, so I will start looking under lemon cucumber. Thank you very much for the information and link
That's roughly the size they get. Light to med yellow is a good ripeness but the darker they are the less likely they are to taste as good. Pick them at various stages of ripeness and see what suits you best taste wise. You'll have plenty to experiment with.