labellaflora said: I recently read an article that said not to grow this plant because it's so destructive to the environment.
I think that most of us have read this... And many of us agree.
As far as poisonous?
I have to agree with Toedtoes that these plants don't actually harm the pollinators who visit, but there are far better plants to grow for them.
I like the vitex, it has similar flowers, and is capable of supporting caterpillars to feed the birds and the birds love the seeds!
At my house, I don't get seedlings, the birds seem to get all the seeds...
Also... I don't know what the climate is like at your house, but butterfly bushes don't tolerate droughts, mostly require very moist soil... Entirely too much valuable water is required to keep them from dying in a dry location.
At my house, I have blooms on the vitex now, in spite of how dry it is...
I just googled your climate... Very dry... You probably shouldn't even try to grow this wetland shrub unless you want to put in a liner and create a bog garden...