I started around 11:00am thinning the more-or-less 100' row of carrots yesterday. Using kerosene lanterns I managed to finish around 4am this morning...
Nah, just kiddin'!!!
But, it did take me 2-1/2 hours to thin them. Can you imagine "OCD-Me" sitting on the ground...kneeling on the ground...laying prone on the ground...trying to decide "Do I pull that one or this one? Which one should I pull? Which one should I let live?"? It was a harrowing experience I tell ya!!!!
First I started out with a pair of scissors...old "garden" scissors that didn't "quiet" close at the tip. That worked about as good as a politician.
So, I ran inside and "borrowed" a pair of my wife's scissors.
They made a world of difference...but, terrible for "OCD-Me" due to having to oh so carefully move the blades in among the seedlings and snip the right ones... So, it boiled down to Neanderthal "pluckin'". Pulling worked much, much better...for me. YMMV.
One thing I found out is that if you have a nice looking seedling and you want to pull adjacent seedlings up use the right hand if the doomed seedlings are on the right side and the left hand if they're on the left side...much more control on exactly pulling what you want to pull. Don't worry about asking me how I know this...I think you've got it figured out.
The Adana F1s was the best stand so I'll be showing it a lot, the Rodelikas were more spotty. Anyhow, let the show begin!!!!!!
Here's what we started with (I'm pretty sure these are Adana)...
The far right side of the front row shows how thick they were before thinning. After thinning...
Row of Adana F1. The right side has been thinned, the left side hasn't been thinned yet...
After I got through thinning them I gave them a good soaking with the shower nozzle to help settle the soil back around the remaining seedlings and then I turned the drip on for a while for some deeper soaking...
I did re-plant some of the plants that I pulled up. I found out that if you want to do this you need to have a small bottle of water handy to immediately water the re-planted carrots with. I figured I'd just water them after I got through thinning...by then the ones I had planted early on were severely wilted, though the latter ones looked okay. A little while after watering, most of the wilted ones seemed to be responding to the water....we'll just have to wait and see on them. Most of the re-plants were Rodelikas being as there were more skips in those so I had more empty spots to plant in. I really didn't replant *that* many, though...it was more of an experiment I guess...probably replanted 20-30 of them. One thing I did note was that it seemed that though the Rodelikas (OP) had the worst germination, took longer to germinate, and the rows looked more sparse...the actual roots on lots of them were the largest I encountered out of the three varieties.
I'm also going to reassess the density to plant carrot seeds at. It seemed the least dense recommendation was three seeds per inch. I sorta/kinda tried to stick with that as I planted. I'm going to stretch that out a tad the next time I plant carrots. Maybe it's just "OCD-Me" but the amount of seedlings that I pulled just seemed like such a waste. Naturally, hand-planting seeds this small at a specific rate is rather "subjective", too say the least, but I'll go by memory of this planting and try to spread the seeds out a tad more the next time.
Using seed-tape could be a very good idea *if* you can find the variety that you want in seed-tape form. I specifically sought carrots said to mature to between six and eight inches...and wanted to try my hand at hand planting, anyhow. I'll probably continue with loose seed...and plant the seeds a little more thinly in the row. I inquired of one seed seller about the length and spacing of the seeds. Here is their response:
Your question: How long are the seed tape for these carrots and what is the seed spacing? Thanks!
Answer: 5 meters (16 feet, 5 inches). The seeds are perfectly spaced to eliminate the need for thinning. We hope this answers your question.
"...perfectly spaced to eliminate the need for thinning."
1-1/2"? 2"? 3"? 4"? 12"?(hey, that would definitely eliminate thinning!
). There's several spacing suggestions from different places...I'd really like to know what the *perfect* one is. I replied with the question of what that perfect spacing is...and never received a response. This is from a popular seed vendor, which I've used in the past. No biggie, but...
Anyhow, I bagged up all the thinnings and tossed them. George inspected them for me before I tossed them and he seemed to walk away in disgust...he thought it was some type of treat in the bucket.
Amazing how many of those little seedlings I pulled...when I finally stood up after sitting/kneeling for those 2-1/2 hours I was stumbling like a drunk man...so the logical things was to go get a beer.