Yes I also says Althernanthera, not Loropetalum
In the case of Loropetalum vs Alternathera it is very easy to distinguish both using Phyllotaxis (the arrangement of leaves) ,
Alternanthera has opposite leaves (in pairs one opposite to the other), Loropetalum has Alternate leaves (single leaves alternating in the other side of the stem)
Also the set of leaves in Alternathera will be "Decussate" meaning the set of leaves will be criss-cross with the above and below set, while in Loropetalum it is "Distichous" meaning they are in one plane
So your plant leaves are "Opposite and Deccusate" consistent to Alternanthera
Loropetalum leaves are "Alternate and Distichous"
crop illustration from
A trivia; although the Genus name is Alternanthera but the leaves arrangement is not "alternate". The genus name related to the flower not the leaves on this one. alternans, (alternating) and anthera, (male flowers) which refers to the alternating arrangement of stamens and pseudostaminodes in the flower of this genus.