To The Point (Black, TB)
Tom (TveGuy3) - One of many friends on this site that was here from when I joined this forum.
Over the years he has been a great source of information, humor, and the general hi-jinks we used to participate in on the forum. I am sure many remember Fess Up Time! (below)
"Here is the "How many new iris cultivars did you acquire" scale
1 to 30 = Just kid stuff
31 to 50 = A good start
51 to 75 = Slightly off balance
76 to 100 = On the Edge!
101 to 125 = Over the Edge
126 to 150 = Pretty messed up
151 to 175 = You need your head examined
176 to 200 = Bring on the paddy wagon!
200 to 300 = Men in white coats coming with strait jacket.
Over 300 =Living in La La Land
See more at
The thread "Fess Up Time 2017" in
Irises forum
He has also been a kind source for irises I have lost or really really wanted (Peking Dancer) and we have exchanged iris through the years. Thanks so much!
Tom's seedling (the giant one) that I hope will bloom next year.
Tiny Beacon (Aitken, MDB) - I love this little one!