The jail garden has been hit hard by most likely cabbage loopers...they're really working on the plants.

The plants are still young and most of them can overcome the damage (some are goners) *if* we can put a stop to the worms.
One of the ladies picked up a bottle of Fertilome Caterpillar Killer Bt spray the other day and all the plants were sprayed with it. It seemed to have no effect as several days later the plants were worse off than before spraying.
In looking at the bottle I'm wondering if it is an old bottle. The label is kinda pale green and lists it as having 15-percent Bt spores and associated "stuff" as active ingredients. It has no "OMRI Listed" label on it. Looking online I mostly see a different bottle with a darker green label. This newer-looking bottle states over 98-percent Bt and other "stuff" as active ingredients.
Did we get an old, weaker version of Fertilome Bt? Should we look for a different brand/type???