Zellycat said: Anya, which itohs do you like? I've been happy with Hillary, Smith family jewel and scrum but they're not very old. I've added a few others, including Gordon E. Simonson, but they're too young to know anything about them, yet. Hopefully I've picked good ones!
Zellycat, I really like First Arrival, Sonoma Halo, Millennium, Pink Double Dandy, Garden Treasure, Unique, Joanna Marlene, Bartzella, Cora Louise. When summers are bad, Magical Mystery Tour and Julia Rose produce not nicely formed flowers. My Momotaro is not very generous on flowers but they are nice. Gordon E. Simonson and Scrum are too young to judge. Old Rose Dandy is ok, and I am thinking of getting rid of Morning Lilac but the color is really good. I got rid of Sonoma Apricot, I think it did not like our cold climate.