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Dec 4, 2024 6:01 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Keith
Invercargill, New Zealand (Zone 9a)
Garden Photography Region: New Zealand Japanese Maples Roses
Rhododendron macabeanum

Macabeanum's spring growth reaches for the sky.

Thumb of 2024-10-17/KGFerg/68465c
Dec 4, 2024 6:36 PM CST
Name: Rj
Just S of the twin cities of M (Zone 4b)
Forum moderator Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 1
Spectacular banner Keith!
As Yogi Berra said, “It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”
Dec 4, 2024 6:42 PM CST
Name: Donna
West Jefferson, North Carolina (Zone 7a)
Annuals Herbs Hostas Hummingbirder Hydrangeas Canning and food preservation
Irises Native Plants and Wildflowers Region: North Carolina Orchids Peonies Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge)
crawgarden said: Spectacular banner Keith!

I agree
“The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill, and suspicion can destroy, and a thoughtless frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own for the children, and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things cannot be confined to the Twilight Zone.”
~Rod Serling
Dec 4, 2024 9:07 PM CST
Name: Valerie
Ontario, Canada (Zone 4b)
Region: Canadian Peonies Irises Daylilies Hybridizer Bulbs
Seller of Garden Stuff Plant and/or Seed Trader Bee Lover Birds Keeper of Koi
That's such a cool banner Keith I tip my hat to you. Wish that rhodo came dwarf and really hardy!
Dec 4, 2024 10:13 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Keith
Invercargill, New Zealand (Zone 9a)
Garden Photography Region: New Zealand Japanese Maples Roses
Thanks Rj, Donna and Valerie. Well, it did start as a dwarf! Here it is in January 2008, not too long after it was planted, maybe in its second year. In need of a bit of work! *Blush*
Thumb of 2024-12-05/KGFerg/a298ec
But we gardeners don't need to be optimists. We just know that, with time, our trees and shrubs will fulfill their promise. 17 years later and it's towering over my head and still in its childhood. Here's the photo the banner came from - mid October this year.
Thumb of 2024-12-05/KGFerg/6ba425
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  • Started by: KGFerg
  • Replies: 4, views: 78
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