I received this Hoya 3 years ago as a Hoya carnosa
It has finally flowered but not sure if it is a carnosa
The leaf is 4in (15cm) long
Would be grateful for you assistance in identifying my hoya
Hoya carnosa flowers are usually white or very light pink. Your plant looks like Wax Plant (Hoya pubicalyx) to me. You can view photos in our database of Hoya pubicalyx by selecting the above blue link.
~ I'm an old gal who still loves playing in the dirt!
~ Playing in the dirt is my therapy ... and I'm in therapy a lot!
Thank you Lucy68 for your response
New to this site & wasn't sure how to reply in the group
I was not disagreeing with your ID rather giving additional information/description Publicalyx & some of its varieties was one of the first I checked out & the flower on mine seemed to be so different
There are many species and hybrid Hoyas and some look a lot alike but whichever it is, those blooms are really pretty! I'm curious to know if they will open up any wider than what is shown in your photo.
~ I'm an old gal who still loves playing in the dirt!
~ Playing in the dirt is my therapy ... and I'm in therapy a lot!
They are fully opened. The flower is about 2 days old & has remained the same since
Yes she is a beauty - soothed my soul after having to give away the collection I had in Australia when I returned to NZ - very strict rule's here for importing plants
Kia ora
Finally found time to follow up on the different suggestions for ID'ing my Hoya
It is a publicalyx x fungii
I found the exact same flower except in white/very pale pink (pub x fun H363)
Thank you all for your suggestions & help