Since there's now a 2025 thread, here's my two recent orders that are due to arrive late summer/early autumn next year (around March).
Riverina Iris
First up are a couple of Nilsen hybrids (Kevin Nilsen was an Australian hybridiser in NSW and I've decided to collect what I can of his):
'Beauty Sleep' - historic (also a plicata carrier)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Shine') - almost historic. Generally I am not a fan of plicatas with a yellow ground, but this is the only nursery I could find that has this cultivar and it'll probably soon disappear from commerce. There is no photo in the database, but a few here:
Next is a recent introduction, but likely endangered already since Tijara closed down: 'Tijara Butter Fingers' (I'm partial to variegatas and it's amazing how similar this is to 'Ken Ware' despite the very different parentage).
Finally, 'Boston Cream', which I am getting solely because it is a decent (nearly) white glaciata (which are very hard to find here and I initially thought I'd have to make). I want a white glaciata for some crosses (I have a yellow glaciata, but with my dislike of yellow ground plicatas that isn't ideal for some of my plans).
Rainbow Iris Nursery
'Mittagong' - another Australian historic. Despite being a Grosvenor hybrid (one of the more prolific Australian hybridisers and hence generally not on my preservation/historic collection list), this hybrid seems to be rare (there isn't even a photo in the Iris wiki).
A backup piece of 'Noon Seista' since my piece hasn't produced any new growths and I am concerned it will bloom out. I really like it and have plans for it, so decided a backup would be a good idea.
'Sarah Lauren' - only because I have a hunch that it and its parent 'Victoria Falls' are an example of the 2x luminata gene + 2x glaciata gene phenotype and I want to cross it with a glaciata to test this hypothesis.
'Vibrations' - ironically a couple of weeks after I placed the order back in November, I was able to get a piece of this from the roadside Iris stall on my way to visiting to my parents. Still, it's a reddish luminata-plicata and will be handy for my hybridising plans.
Ideally I'd get
'Windana' (an Australian hybrid) instead of 'Vibrations', but 'Windana' is difficult to get. It was only introduced by Sunshine Iris Nursery and has been out of stock the past few years (they had some flooding a few years ago that set back a lot of their Irises). To make matters worse, Sunshine Iris announced this season that they will be closing down at the end of the year unless they find a buyer, so 'Windana' and a number of other cultivars they have will no longer be commercial available. I'm not on Facebook (and never plan to be), so that limits my options a bit for sourcing things other ways.