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Dec 15, 2024 11:40 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Marilyn, aka "Poly"
South San Francisco Bay Area (Zone 9b)
"The mountains are calling..."
Region: California Daylilies Irises Vegetable Grower Moon Gardener Dog Lover
Bookworm Garden Photography Birds Pollen collector Garden Procrastinator Celebrating Gardening: 2015
Okay, I haven't ordered anything (yet), but given someone else here (you know who you are Glare ) talking about Iris Sisters now being open, I thought that I should mention that for folks wanting to buy potted (not bareroot) PCIs, Sequim Rare Plants is now taking orders.

They are not iris specialists, so they don't have a huge offering, but they are worth checking out if you want to dip your toe in there. (You should also check out their non-PCI plants.)

I'm going to give the PCI PRETTY BOY another go. I really want this one for Warp.

(Fwiw, their image for *their* unregistered PCI SILVER MOON (there are two different unregistered SILVER MOON PCIs in commerce D'Oh! ) is too light. Mine got a lot of shade, and it was undoubtedly a light blue. It was also, with the possible exception of PREMONITION OF SPRING, consistently the earliest of my PCIs to bloom, so it was a nice start to the season. I think that the gophers got it this summer (along with its companion Pulmonaria) Grumbling , so I should look at replacing that one, too.)

Evaluating an iris seedling, hopefully for rebloom
Dec 15, 2024 11:43 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Marilyn, aka "Poly"
South San Francisco Bay Area (Zone 9b)
"The mountains are calling..."
Region: California Daylilies Irises Vegetable Grower Moon Gardener Dog Lover
Bookworm Garden Photography Birds Pollen collector Garden Procrastinator Celebrating Gardening: 2015
Hmm... Okay... I just tried to order and the PCIs are not "live" yet, since clicking on the images does nothing and there is no "Add to cart" button for them. (Sorry about that *Blush* ).

However, the PCI section looks more alive than it did this summer (the PCIs aren't all marked as "SOLD OUT", etc.). In my experience, they generally start shipping PCIs in early January, so those should be available to order soon.

(Other plants ARE currently available to order, including a few non-PCI irises.)
Evaluating an iris seedling, hopefully for rebloom
Last edited by Polymerous Dec 15, 2024 11:50 PM Icon for preview
Dec 16, 2024 12:39 AM CST
Plants SuperMod
Name: Joshua
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (Zone 10a)
Köppen Climate Zone Cfb
Plant Database Moderator Forum moderator Region: Australia Cat Lover Bookworm Hybridizer
Orchids Lilies Irises Seed Starter Container Gardener Garden Photography
Since there's now a 2025 thread, here's my two recent orders that are due to arrive late summer/early autumn next year (around March).

Riverina Iris

First up are a couple of Nilsen hybrids (Kevin Nilsen was an Australian hybridiser in NSW and I've decided to collect what I can of his):

'Beauty Sleep' - historic (also a plicata carrier)

Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Shine') - almost historic. Generally I am not a fan of plicatas with a yellow ground, but this is the only nursery I could find that has this cultivar and it'll probably soon disappear from commerce. There is no photo in the database, but a few here:

Next is a recent introduction, but likely endangered already since Tijara closed down: 'Tijara Butter Fingers' (I'm partial to variegatas and it's amazing how similar this is to 'Ken Ware' despite the very different parentage).

Finally, 'Boston Cream', which I am getting solely because it is a decent (nearly) white glaciata (which are very hard to find here and I initially thought I'd have to make). I want a white glaciata for some crosses (I have a yellow glaciata, but with my dislike of yellow ground plicatas that isn't ideal for some of my plans).

Rainbow Iris Nursery

'Mittagong' - another Australian historic. Despite being a Grosvenor hybrid (one of the more prolific Australian hybridisers and hence generally not on my preservation/historic collection list), this hybrid seems to be rare (there isn't even a photo in the Iris wiki).

A backup piece of 'Noon Seista' since my piece hasn't produced any new growths and I am concerned it will bloom out. I really like it and have plans for it, so decided a backup would be a good idea.

'Sarah Lauren' - only because I have a hunch that it and its parent 'Victoria Falls' are an example of the 2x luminata gene + 2x glaciata gene phenotype and I want to cross it with a glaciata to test this hypothesis.

'Vibrations' - ironically a couple of weeks after I placed the order back in November, I was able to get a piece of this from the roadside Iris stall on my way to visiting to my parents. Still, it's a reddish luminata-plicata and will be handy for my hybridising plans.

Ideally I'd get 'Windana' (an Australian hybrid) instead of 'Vibrations', but 'Windana' is difficult to get. It was only introduced by Sunshine Iris Nursery and has been out of stock the past few years (they had some flooding a few years ago that set back a lot of their Irises). To make matters worse, Sunshine Iris announced this season that they will be closing down at the end of the year unless they find a buyer, so 'Windana' and a number of other cultivars they have will no longer be commercial available. I'm not on Facebook (and never plan to be), so that limits my options a bit for sourcing things other ways.
Plant Authorities: Catalogue of Life (Species) --- International Cultivar Registration Authorities (Cultivars) --- RHS Orchid Register --- RHS Lilium Register
My Notes: Orchid Genera HTML PDF Excel --- Lilium Traits HTML PDF --- Lilium Species Crosses HTML PDF Excel --- Lilium Species Diagram
The current profile image is that of Iris 'Volcanic Glow'.
Dec 16, 2024 2:27 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Marilyn, aka "Poly"
South San Francisco Bay Area (Zone 9b)
"The mountains are calling..."
Region: California Daylilies Irises Vegetable Grower Moon Gardener Dog Lover
Bookworm Garden Photography Birds Pollen collector Garden Procrastinator Celebrating Gardening: 2015
Lol, I didn't expect to see the orders already, but I guess it makes sense from your part of the world.

I like BEAUTY SLEEP. Thumbs up (Gee, I guess those yellow irises are growing on me after all...)
Evaluating an iris seedling, hopefully for rebloom
Dec 16, 2024 2:47 AM CST
Plants SuperMod
Name: Joshua
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (Zone 10a)
Köppen Climate Zone Cfb
Plant Database Moderator Forum moderator Region: Australia Cat Lover Bookworm Hybridizer
Orchids Lilies Irises Seed Starter Container Gardener Garden Photography
Yeah, Australian ordering is a bit odd. We have some nurseries that ship at the end of blooming (mid/late November) and others that wait until early autumn (March) to ship.

No doubt Smokin Heights will have its end of season sale early next year too.
Plant Authorities: Catalogue of Life (Species) --- International Cultivar Registration Authorities (Cultivars) --- RHS Orchid Register --- RHS Lilium Register
My Notes: Orchid Genera HTML PDF Excel --- Lilium Traits HTML PDF --- Lilium Species Crosses HTML PDF Excel --- Lilium Species Diagram
The current profile image is that of Iris 'Volcanic Glow'.
Dec 16, 2024 4:32 AM CST
Name: Tom
Southern Wisconsin (Zone 5b)
Butterflies Vegetable Grower Keeper of Poultry Irises Keeps Horses Dog Lover
Daylilies Cat Lover Region: Wisconsin Celebrating Gardening: 2015
Nice order Joshua.
Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often, and for the same reason.
Dec 16, 2024 11:54 AM CST
Name: Leslie
Durham, NC (Zone 8a)
Garden Photography Cat Lover Irises Region: North Carolina Peonies Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Celebrating Gardening: 2015
Being THAT person who casually mentioned that Iris Sisters is open, I guess I should give you all a peek at my order. No new intros in this bunch.

Eclipse Spell - replacement

Violet Moon - replacement

Dragon Dance - must have replacement

Dragon Kiss - another must replace

Ten of Hearts - Blyth

Noble Heritage - another Blyth

On to Keppels - luminata Keppels because those do well here


Moonglint - replacement

Lunar Ring - sorry Marilyn, another moon iris. I like yellow and white iris.

Flatlander - Keith thought no one would want a flared iris. Had to prove that was wrong. LOL

Netizen - replacement for Celtic Tartan

Volcanic Glow - replacement

Stormscape - hmmm, I do have orange/brown in this order don't I.
"The chimera is a one time happenstance event where the plant has a senior moment and forgets what it is doing." - Paul Black
Dec 16, 2024 12:52 PM CST
Name: Tom
Southern Wisconsin (Zone 5b)
Butterflies Vegetable Grower Keeper of Poultry Irises Keeps Horses Dog Lover
Daylilies Cat Lover Region: Wisconsin Celebrating Gardening: 2015
Nice order. A few of those I should probably order to replace ones I've lost.
Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often, and for the same reason.
Dec 16, 2024 12:57 PM CST
Name: Tom
Southern Wisconsin (Zone 5b)
Butterflies Vegetable Grower Keeper of Poultry Irises Keeps Horses Dog Lover
Daylilies Cat Lover Region: Wisconsin Celebrating Gardening: 2015
I just also notice that Keith Keppel has the names of his 10 new TB introductions and one BB on his website, but no pics or info about them yet. Tom Johnson has been posting pics of his new little ones on FB recently.

Edited to add: Just looked at Keppel FB page, and many of the new ones are pictured there. Some nice ones coming down the pike as usual.
Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often, and for the same reason.
Last edited by tveguy3 Dec 16, 2024 1:37 PM Icon for preview
Dec 16, 2024 2:37 PM CST
Name: Leslie
Durham, NC (Zone 8a)
Garden Photography Cat Lover Irises Region: North Carolina Peonies Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Celebrating Gardening: 2015
Keith has some real beauties but they don't all grow well here. His luminatas grow the best for me. I was so happy to have Gentle Manner survive and bloom this year. It took a couple of years. I still haven't gotten a bloom on Space Signal.

I have seen his posts in Iris Lovers and they sure are pretty!
"The chimera is a one time happenstance event where the plant has a senior moment and forgets what it is doing." - Paul Black
Dec 16, 2024 4:16 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Marilyn, aka "Poly"
South San Francisco Bay Area (Zone 9b)
"The mountains are calling..."
Region: California Daylilies Irises Vegetable Grower Moon Gardener Dog Lover
Bookworm Garden Photography Birds Pollen collector Garden Procrastinator Celebrating Gardening: 2015
Sorry that you need so many replacements, Leslie. Sad

I saw LUNAR RING, but I've really got more than a few yellow/white irises now, and I should be downsizing (yet the number of iris cultivars I want is multiplying like the rabbits in my garden D'Oh! ). Also, it's yet another 35-incher...

I'm in a holding pattern right now waiting on SEQUIM to open up their PCI sales. I'm going to get PRETTY BOY (again), SILVER MOON (my first replacement, because of the gophers), and probably the I. japonica APHRODITE (yet again, and this time it's going directly into the ground AND getting some kind of cage over it until it gets too well rooted for the critters to dig out).

I'm considering Iris Sisters for a few things: an insurance rhizome for CONSTANT COMPANION for starters, and maybe a replacement HAUNTED HEART (I have to think about that one a bit). I'd maybe love some others, but I really need to downsize some more, though... (I already maybe have a couple incoming from a friend, and I may need to buy some insurance rhizomes for a couple of other irises, and I have my eye on a couple of rebloomers.)

Just a warning, while I am thinking of it, that some nurseries are winding down with plans to close within a year or few, so if you are looking for older irises that are harder to obtain, you maybe should take care of that this season.
Evaluating an iris seedling, hopefully for rebloom
Dec 16, 2024 6:44 PM CST
Name: Leslie
Durham, NC (Zone 8a)
Garden Photography Cat Lover Irises Region: North Carolina Peonies Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Celebrating Gardening: 2015
I heard about closings too. I have an LA place that I hate to hear might be heading to retirement (there are so few LA vendors already). There are older Burseens and Blyths I need to replace but unsure who will have them.

And for those ready to buy, Stout opens on the 18th. His SDB's have proved to be real winners in my garden and he has Burseen. I am a bit ticked off at him for something that happened a few years ago but I think I will bury the hatchet. Have a $25 off coupon I will use as well (hey, that is two SDB's at least).
"The chimera is a one time happenstance event where the plant has a senior moment and forgets what it is doing." - Paul Black
Dec 16, 2024 6:57 PM CST
Name: Cory
Elkhart Co., IN
Charter ATP Member Hybridizer Irises
Can I play this game?
I ordered 12/15/24 from Robin. For my first 2025 order so far. Just 3 Nothing to wild.
First Nation

Will order from at least Mid-America and Sutton's. I'm pretty sure you can look up all of Keith's new intros in the iris wiki, He posted the names just look under his name in wiki and find the new intros. It's call cheating.
Cory, Retired Firefighter/EMT
Dec 17, 2024 7:17 AM CST
Oregon (Zone 7b)
Okay, spill... who's closing? I know Bluebird Haven is looking to retire. I also wonder about Winterberry (Ginny Spoon), but have not heard any rumors.

In most cases I think it's too early for sellers to have their sites open. Just my personal take, winter still has a lot to throw at us before spring is here. Last year I found in at least a couple cases, I ordered super early only to find later on the site updated with previously 'out of stock' now being available.
I gave myself a gift card to Sutton's, looking forward to 'spending' that.
Last edited by ObsidianFire Dec 22, 2024 10:14 AM Icon for preview
Dec 17, 2024 7:23 AM CST
Oregon (Zone 7b)
Daylily & Iris Obsession is also open.
Dec 17, 2024 10:17 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Marilyn, aka "Poly"
South San Francisco Bay Area (Zone 9b)
"The mountains are calling..."
Region: California Daylilies Irises Vegetable Grower Moon Gardener Dog Lover
Bookworm Garden Photography Birds Pollen collector Garden Procrastinator Celebrating Gardening: 2015
Bluebird Haven Iris garden says on their ordering page that they are continuing to downsize, with the intent to close the business in a few years. (Their children are not interested in continuing the business.)

There was another garden where I thought I saw something written that there were health issues which might need to a closure, but now I don't see that on that site (so not naming names because I could have been mistaken).
Evaluating an iris seedling, hopefully for rebloom
Dec 17, 2024 3:27 PM CST
Name: Leslie
Durham, NC (Zone 8a)
Garden Photography Cat Lover Irises Region: North Carolina Peonies Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Celebrating Gardening: 2015
I think Ginny will still be operating Winterberry this year. She has been in charge for the last few years anyway because Don was ill before he passed.
"The chimera is a one time happenstance event where the plant has a senior moment and forgets what it is doing." - Paul Black
Dec 20, 2024 9:15 AM CST
Oregon (Zone 7b)
I'm being a "good girl" this year... Whistling I have created myself a 2025 Want List and as vendors open or preview on FB, adding what I think I want to this list. That said, my list from Stout needs some whittling... and I'm bound and determined to order from Country Delight this year. She's got some new intros that look nice, plus she has others I've been looking for.
First tho, I really need to see how the bloom season goes. I ordered a...uh...LOT...last year Big Grin and I need to see who takes off, who rotted. Plus, my existing ones - some are definitely in their last year in my garden. Space is a very limited factor at the moment.
But all those pretty flowers.... Rolling on the floor laughing
Dec 30, 2024 6:42 PM CST
Name: Amanda
KC metro area, Missouri (Zone 6a)
Bookworm Cat Lover Dog Lover Region: Missouri Native Plants and Wildflowers Roses
Region: United States of America Zinnias Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Got this email today so thought I'd post it here in case anyone was going to order from them this season. is closing.

It is with the greatest regret that I am announcing the closure of

I very much appreciate the support, and especially all the kind messages I have received from loyal customers these past years.

Time demands of my main business, Randy's Tower Service, combined with the needs of family, prevent me from devoting the time necessary to properly maintain and operate my nursery business going forward.

I do wish you well in the coming New Year.

Thank you, again!


Randy Smith
Jan 3, 2025 7:06 AM CST
Oregon (Zone 7b)
I've gone ahead and made a couple orders. And some more "wish lists". I wish I had placed my order with Iris Sisters earlier, because a couple I really wanted are out now.
Am waiting impatiently for the "big 3" to open - Schreiners, Mid America, and Suttons.

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