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Dec 18, 2024 1:56 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Walter Fritsch Jr
Connecticut (Zone 6a)
Retired Gone Postal, Retired Army T
Last spring, I purchased a Celestial Shadow Dogwood and had it planted by the vendor I bought it from a well-known local nursery, and it has been warranted for two years. If anyone can offer any growing and care advice, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thumb of 2024-12-18/Wally2007/ba2fd3
Jan 12, 2025 1:22 PM CST
Name: Valerie
Ontario, Canada (Zone 4b)
Region: Canadian Peonies Irises Daylilies Hybridizer Bulbs
Seller of Garden Stuff Plant and/or Seed Trader Bee Lover Birds Keeper of Koi
While I am in a colder Zone than you Walter, I do grow a few variegated dogwoods successfully. It is my experience that they are really understory trees - grow them in the semi-shade and protection of taller trees. I haven't found them to need anything more - ie no fertilizer or supplemental watering - but if yours is in full sun and a few Zones warmer you may need additional watering. Watch that the leaves don't burn as it also looks like your tree is in full sun Sad
Avatar for CalPolygardener
Jan 12, 2025 4:41 PM CST
California (Zone 9b)
It looks healthy, so I would add more mulch (without covering the trunk) and leave it at that.
And now I must have one, darn you!
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