While a great idea, the contents are going to shift in transit. Also, depending on the type of container, shipping will get expensive very quickly.
I send amaryllis bulbs to family for the holidays. Just the bulb. Sending 3 bulbs to Oregon this past Christmas was $27.00.
While I understand your desire for your friend to do minimal work, you may actually be better to put each item in a zipper bag with a note similar to:
1) Put a small amount of bag #1, soil, into pot
2) Empty contents of bag #2, fertilizer, to put
3) Put a small amount of soil into pot
4) Put bulbs into pot, pointed end up
5) Put remaining soil into pot
6) Water gently and wait for the bulbs to sprout
I'm sure they will be thrilled to receive such a thoughtful gift. Any, by having them actually plant the bulbs, it will give them something to do, even if only for 5 minutes.
The pre-potted bulb kits that you see around the holidays follow a similar method. The difference being that rather than loose soil, they include a compressed soil mix disk.
Back 'in the day' they used loose soil and it ended up everywhere.