Liz, what do you think about the quality of the roots from Adelman's? I would love to see a picture of them.
I have gotten peonies in the past, from a co-op that got the plants from Hollingsworth, the roots were large and healthy, and some of them bloomed the next spring.
Last week, from Adelman's, I ordered Chestatine Gowdy, Georgiana Shaylor, Mary Jo Legare, Minnie Shaylor, Mother's Choice, Nick Shaylor, and Tourangelle . From Old House Gardens, I ordered Hermione, 2 of Mrs. FDR, and Philippe Rivoire. From Van Engelen, I got 3 peony Moonstone.
I have in pots that I bought from a local nursery this spring Buckeye Belle, Festiva Maxima, Jan Van Leeuwen, Madame Emile Debatne, Nancy Nora, and Rosabel. I'm waiting till it gets cooler to plant these in the garden.
I have also have 3 pots of peony Vivid. These tiny tubers came from Walmart this past spring. I've been babying them, and I may keep them in the pots till next year and let them get a little larger. I also have a pot with a small Festiva Maxima, that I have been growing since last year, from another small tuber that came in a package from our local nursery, Pikes.
I love the older scented, double blooming peonies, which are the majority of my plants