
Ryhian would never be left out!!!
Here's a picture of my Dad's dogs that I had to drive back to Oregon. I tried to get these two and my two to sit together. That didn't go so well! Indigo is the Weimaraner, and Windsor is the Old English Sheepdog.
I had to go to my sister's house when I was in Oregon, and she has a Great Dane named Zoe. Sorry, but I couldn't find my camera when I was leaving to get a picture of her. I had never seen her before, and she was the sweetest dog! She is NOT fond of car rides, and when my sister moved recently, it took 4 people to get her into the back of my sister's Jeep. I was sitting in my Dad's truck, getting ready to leave, and I asked my sister, if I could get Zoe into the truck, could I keep her? Of course she said yes, knowing how much Zoe hates car rides. Well, imagine our shock when Zoe decided that she would be okay if she climbed in the front seat with me! I didn't get to bring her home with me, but I sure did want to! My sister said she is never making a bet with anyone again!