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Aug 18, 2013 7:54 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Karen
Maryland (Zone 7b)
Charter ATP Member
Many of us had such a great time chatting about things besides blue morning glories on Gerris2's "Blue Morning Glory" thread, that I thought I would mooch the daylily forum's practice of encouraging OT chat on a thread like this one, instead of derailing a thread like Gerris2's Blue Morning Glory thread.

I would like to thank my fellow "hooligans", Ronnie, Natalie, Alana, Shannon for including me and my cat in their raid on Ronnie's house with their dogs for MG seeds they "need." I don't know when I've laughed so hard.

Anyone can start up the next OT/Porch Swing thread for Fall and so forth. I'd much rather Gerris2 and Xeramtherum be moderators here, eventually if they wish - not me - I'm usually a lurker and don't chat much.

So, y'all come over here, and let's let Joseph's threads go back to their original topics of morning glories by color and pattern.

oops - title should be Summer #1, 2013
'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free ... Till by turning, turning we come round right." Shaker Hymn, Joseph Brackett
Last edited by Bluespiral Aug 18, 2013 12:42 PM Icon for preview
Aug 18, 2013 5:20 PM CST
Name: Alana H
SE Kentucky (Zone 7a)
Hummingbirder Greenhouse Seed Starter Container Gardener Keeper of Poultry Frogs and Toads
Dog Lover Plant and/or Seed Trader Annuals Butterflies Morning Glories Bee Lover
Kobi and I will join you, Karen. Also enjoying the MG's is Hello, the cat that finally finagled a spot at the hearth. I will get a photo of Hello and Goodbye when I have a chance.
Ishidatami has picked up a lot of pinkness since I grew the parent of this blossom.

Thumb of 2013-08-18/poisondartfrog/70339d
Aug 18, 2013 6:17 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Karen
Maryland (Zone 7b)
Charter ATP Member
Well, good, Hello can pick the locks and Goodbye can drive the gettaway kennel. Maybe there'll will be more decorum among the backup squad, with cats being more evenly balanced by pooches.

I love the way Child-of-Ishidatami twists through 3 colors.

I need to figure out how to upload pics to 'pooter, after its crash, so must wait on pics of St. Ray. Looking forward to seeing Hello and Goodbye.
'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free ... Till by turning, turning we come round right." Shaker Hymn, Joseph Brackett
Aug 18, 2013 8:23 PM CST
Name: Ronnie (Veronica)
Southeastern PA (Zone 6b)
Count your blessings, be grateful
Region: Ukraine Organic Gardener Keeps Goats Zinnias Dog Lover Morning Glories
Annuals Bee Lover Dragonflies Butterflies Hummingbirder Birds
I'll be waiting nodding
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
Aug 18, 2013 9:01 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Karen
Maryland (Zone 7b)
Charter ATP Member
Natalie might be delayed, as those fires out west have come rather close to where she lives, if my memory is working at all. Natalie - how are you doing? Be safe!
'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free ... Till by turning, turning we come round right." Shaker Hymn, Joseph Brackett
Aug 20, 2013 2:39 PM CST
Name: Natalie
North Central Idaho (Zone 7a)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Dog Lover Daylilies Irises Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Hummingbirder
Frogs and Toads Native Plants and Wildflowers Cottage Gardener Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Region: United States of America Xeriscape
Survived the fire, but have other stuff going on. I will probably be making an unplanned trip to Oregon in the next couple of days. Looks like you all will have to go on that raid without me! I've added two new dogs to the crowd that we have here, and I'd like to get them back home! They belong to my Dad.
Aug 21, 2013 7:16 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Karen
Maryland (Zone 7b)
Charter ATP Member
Wishing you a safe trip and convivial welcoming committee for the new arrivals Smiling
'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free ... Till by turning, turning we come round right." Shaker Hymn, Joseph Brackett
Aug 28, 2013 5:56 PM CST
Name: Shannon
Burkeville,Va (Zone 7a)
The House on the Hill Gardens
Birds Seed Starter Sedums Roses Peonies Irises
Hostas Echinacea Dog Lover Daylilies Dahlias Cottage Gardener

It's us Shannon , Liam & Seamus Hurray! Now Ryhian want's in LOL he is my tufted Manx and I can Nevedr say No to Ryhian Lovey dubby

Love all those different MG's I have never had any that ' Cool "
The horse is God's gift to mankind. ~Arabian Proverb
Aug 28, 2013 9:03 PM CST
Name: Natalie
North Central Idaho (Zone 7a)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Dog Lover Daylilies Irises Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Hummingbirder
Frogs and Toads Native Plants and Wildflowers Cottage Gardener Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Region: United States of America Xeriscape
Awwww! Lovey dubby Ryhian would never be left out!!!

Here's a picture of my Dad's dogs that I had to drive back to Oregon. I tried to get these two and my two to sit together. That didn't go so well! Indigo is the Weimaraner, and Windsor is the Old English Sheepdog.

Thumb of 2013-08-29/Natalie/971daa

I had to go to my sister's house when I was in Oregon, and she has a Great Dane named Zoe. Sorry, but I couldn't find my camera when I was leaving to get a picture of her. I had never seen her before, and she was the sweetest dog! She is NOT fond of car rides, and when my sister moved recently, it took 4 people to get her into the back of my sister's Jeep. I was sitting in my Dad's truck, getting ready to leave, and I asked my sister, if I could get Zoe into the truck, could I keep her? Of course she said yes, knowing how much Zoe hates car rides. Well, imagine our shock when Zoe decided that she would be okay if she climbed in the front seat with me! I didn't get to bring her home with me, but I sure did want to! My sister said she is never making a bet with anyone again!
Aug 29, 2013 6:39 PM CST
Name: woofie
NE WA (Zone 5a)
Charter ATP Member Garden Procrastinator Greenhouse Dragonflies Plays in the sandbox I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
The WITWIT Badge I helped plan and beta test the plant database. Dog Lover Enjoys or suffers cold winters Container Gardener Seed Starter
Ha! I would never make that bet with anyone about my kids! Open the car door, and in they jump! Even the cats! Hmmmm, think they're trying to tell us something? Confused
Confidence is that feeling you have right before you do something really stupid.
Aug 29, 2013 7:52 PM CST
Name: Anne
Summerville, SC (Zone 8a)
Only dead fish go with the flow!
Plant and/or Seed Trader Birds Cat Lover Greenhouse Tropicals Bulbs
Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Master Level Hibiscus Hybridizer Garden Sages Butterflies
Got awesome news today .. went to the cataract eye doc to get measured for some new lenses! First eye is scheduled for October 7th. I knew I had cataracts but apparently I didn't realize just how bad they were .. I should have figured it out since I was needing stronger and stronger glasses about every 8 months until I finally said enough last year and learned to tolerate blurry vision past 10 feet .. this last pair of distance glasses are almost a half an inch thick!

So when it came time to decide if I wanted to be near sighted as I am now or far sighted I chose near sighted since I do a lot of close work and will just need glasses for distance. As it is now I have distance glasses, computer glasses, TV glasses and reading glasses. Tried to go the bi-focal route but they made me horribly disoriented and sea sick!
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
Douglas Adams
Aug 29, 2013 8:21 PM CST
Name: Natalie
North Central Idaho (Zone 7a)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Dog Lover Daylilies Irises Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Hummingbirder
Frogs and Toads Native Plants and Wildflowers Cottage Gardener Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Region: United States of America Xeriscape
woofie, my sister thought it was a perfectly safe bet, and I'm sure I could have gotten her to throw a million dollars into the pot too! It's been a nightmare getting Zoe into a vehicle! Apparently, she liked me enough to climb in! My Dad just about passed out, since he said it would never happen in a million years! Dad was one of the people who had to help get her into the Jeep when my sister moved, so he was positive that she wasn't about to climb in! I thought it was adorable having a 150 pound dog trying to sit in my lap in the bucket seat of a truck! Rolling on the floor laughing

Hurray! Hurray! Fantastic news Anne!!! I'm sure that you will wish you had done it sooner! Good choice on the lenses, too. You won't need to wear glasses that often that way.
Aug 29, 2013 8:46 PM CST
Name: woofie
NE WA (Zone 5a)
Charter ATP Member Garden Procrastinator Greenhouse Dragonflies Plays in the sandbox I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
The WITWIT Badge I helped plan and beta test the plant database. Dog Lover Enjoys or suffers cold winters Container Gardener Seed Starter
Ah, you're going to love it, Anne! I was legally blind in my left eye about 18 years ago, and they had to do a bit more than just cataract surgery, but WOW, what a difference! Just be good, and follow all the after care instructions and the whole thing should be a walk in the park.
Confidence is that feeling you have right before you do something really stupid.
Aug 29, 2013 9:05 PM CST
Name: Rita
North Shore, Long Island, NY
Zone 6B
Charter ATP Member Seed Starter Tomato Heads I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Vegetable Grower Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge)
Birds Garden Ideas: Master Level Butterflies Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Roses Photo Contest Winner: 2016
Hey. I am a regular here at ATP but new here at the Vines and Climbers Forum and your chat thread. Actually I came over because the fact that you have a porch swing chat thread was just announced over at out daylily forum chat thread. Well I had to come over and see for myself! Hilarious!
Aug 29, 2013 9:08 PM CST
Name: Natalie
North Central Idaho (Zone 7a)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Dog Lover Daylilies Irises Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Hummingbirder
Frogs and Toads Native Plants and Wildflowers Cottage Gardener Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Region: United States of America Xeriscape
Hi Rita!!!
Aug 29, 2013 9:09 PM CST
Name: Rita
North Shore, Long Island, NY
Zone 6B
Charter ATP Member Seed Starter Tomato Heads I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Vegetable Grower Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge)
Birds Garden Ideas: Master Level Butterflies Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Roses Photo Contest Winner: 2016
I love chat threads. I guess I just have too much to say and I bet none of it is too noteworthy! Rolling on the floor laughing
Aug 29, 2013 9:40 PM CST
Name: Rita
North Shore, Long Island, NY
Zone 6B
Charter ATP Member Seed Starter Tomato Heads I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Vegetable Grower Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge)
Birds Garden Ideas: Master Level Butterflies Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Roses Photo Contest Winner: 2016
Bluespiral said:
Anyone can start up the next OT/Porch Swing thread for Fall and so forth. I'd much rather Gerris2 and Xeramtherum be moderators here, eventually if they wish - not me - I'm usually a lurker and don't chat much.
oops - title should be Summer #1, 2013

Why doesn't this forum have a moderator? Humm, I thought they all did.
Aug 29, 2013 10:06 PM CST
Name: woofie
NE WA (Zone 5a)
Charter ATP Member Garden Procrastinator Greenhouse Dragonflies Plays in the sandbox I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
The WITWIT Badge I helped plan and beta test the plant database. Dog Lover Enjoys or suffers cold winters Container Gardener Seed Starter
Hmmm, actually I thought that it was only Forums that had moderators, not individual threads.
Confidence is that feeling you have right before you do something really stupid.
Aug 29, 2013 10:08 PM CST
Name: Natalie
North Central Idaho (Zone 7a)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Dog Lover Daylilies Irises Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Hummingbirder
Frogs and Toads Native Plants and Wildflowers Cottage Gardener Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Region: United States of America Xeriscape
Rita, are you thinking that we need a moderator? Hilarious! Hilarious! Rolling on the floor laughing Rolling on the floor laughing Rolling on the floor laughing
Aug 29, 2013 10:37 PM CST
Name: Rita
North Shore, Long Island, NY
Zone 6B
Charter ATP Member Seed Starter Tomato Heads I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Vegetable Grower Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge)
Birds Garden Ideas: Master Level Butterflies Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Roses Photo Contest Winner: 2016
Oh no. I am sure everyone here is the model of decorum and would never say anything off kilter. Rolling on the floor laughing

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