It was an awesome week and Jo thank you so much for asking me to participate. Now that I have more writing time, it was a pleasure. Y'all know wildflowers have and always will be my favorites.
Your articles were great, the banners were wonderful, and Jonna, I loved loved loved your article too. You mentioned that I helped you, but I want everybody to know that you really didn't need me at all. You did a great job, excellent in fact. And it was my pleasure to take a look at it early on. (Thanks Christine!)
Carole/Tee, I have to tell you, I've spent all day long reading about Monarchs and waystations and looking at everything I could find about them. That was one of the most exciting articles I've read in a long time and seems like it stirred up a lot of interest site wide as well. Thank you for packing all that big wallop into your article. Already got my milkweed, now to expand on that.
So now I have two projects ahead of me: Monarchs and Frostweed. Yeah!!
Thank you so much - I was really looking forward to this week and like Greene, was sad to see it over.