As a comment about Rose (Rosa 'Scarlet Meidiland'), TBGDN wrote:

I planted Scarlet Meidiland in spring 1995 along with several other roses. The catalog had listed it as "shade tolerant," so I planted it in a shaded area in close proximity to two large white oak trees. Today as I write, it has grown in that spot and bloomed beautifully without fail all these years. In reading several reports about it, I have seen that there seem to be differing opinions and observations about its garden qualities, hardiness, and shade tolerance. I can only report what I've observed and experienced these 18 years. It is one of the most carefree roses I've grown, and it comes through bitter winter freezes without serious harm like the oaks that surround it. Early spring pruning of dead wood is about the only care it gets other than a spring feeding of a good rose fertilizer.

This year I noticed a strange anomaly in one of the bloom clusters: There are three pink blooms within the same group of scarlet red flowers on the same stem. I had never seen this before; and I wonder if maybe it could be due to a soil deficiency or some other imbalance in nutrients. I have submitted a picture showing this rarity. I welcome input concerning this type of abnormality. It's a first for me.
Sep 3, 2013 3:26 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lyn
Weaverville, California (Zone 8a)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Garden Sages Garden Ideas: Level 1
Your rose is probably throwing a "sport", a natural mutation and what you are seeing is not due to your care of the plant. If you want, you can isolate the sporting cane and propagate it. If it takes, and stays stable, you have a new rose.

I'd rather weed than dust ... the weeds stay gone longer.
Sep 3, 2013 5:39 PM CST
Name: Leon
Indiana (Zone 5a)
Light is the shadow of God!
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Region: United States of America Region: Indiana Vegetable Grower
Garden Ideas: Master Level Peonies Hummingbirder Cat Lover Dog Lover Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Thank you so much! That's an interesting possibility. If I can locate the cane I will definitely try layering it over winter. It would be worth a try as the flowers look fairly nice in form and color. Once again,

Even a fool, when he shuts his mouth, is counted (as being) wise.Proverbs 17:28
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