That particular area is dry as it gets full afternoon sun, in fact both sides of the backside of the house on ea side of the deck get full afternoon sun.
I FINALLY got time this wkend (Saturday) to work on removing ALL of the flowers in the area where my Blk Eyed Susans and Echinaceas "were" growing.
I left NOTING for the birds and other animals that come up from the river to dine in our yard during the winter.
*They are going to starve.*
The slug killer was also applied, so next yr I'll see what does or does not come up.
They usually reseed themselves and I am sure that some have fallen and will no doubt grow back.
I did save some of the heads (I am a true seed harvester) from the non-diseased leaf hopper Echinacea heads and, from the Black Eyed Susans as well.
I'll just sow them next Spring if need be.
On the other side of the back end of the house I removed ALL of the flowers from that area as well today (Sunday) these are the ones that Mother Nature and the wind had planted for me, I saved some of those seeds (heads) as well.
They were just my VERY tall Marigolds and self planted (prbly from the wind) Blk Eyed Susans.
I did NOT slug treat that area (wasn't sure if I should or not) because I finally planted my Autumn Joy and Neon Sedum plants on that particular side.
These are the Sedums that I'd potted in early July and have been babying all summer, along w/ the 2 Shopko Sedum plants as well.
We've had bad wind storms that knocked the Shopko Sedum planters over and some of the blooms broke off so I snatched them up and stuck them in the ground too.
Who knows they "might" survive.
Tomorrow (Woo Hoo, I have a 3 day wkend from the clinic!!)
I will prbly work on the variety of different types of Mums that I have in the front yard.
I won't pull them just yet but groom them up a bit.
My semps (rollers) are beginning to turn purple-ish as the nights are getting colder here in WI.
I am not even going to worry about them as they always fend for themselves.
@ValleyLynn my dragon's dead now and I clipped "him" off and am keeping the tiny lil' blk seeds.
The other one that sprouted has gotten soggy looking from the chilly nites.
I sure hope those other ones bloom in the summer next yr VS in the fall, they've got their timing way off kilter.
I did run across while I was removing the plants, many spiders and a couple of green grasshoppers along w/ 2 ugly rusty brownish stout wormy looking things that were about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch long... grubs perhaps???
Not sure as I've never really seen a grub except in pics on the net.
Tomorrow I am going to throw my saved coffee grounds and eggs shells in those areas just to be safe.
This gardening thing is taking a toll on my old obese body, my legs muscles are killing me from bending over for so long.
Outta shape winch that I am.
Well, that's it fer now, don't wanna bore u'll too badly.
Have a great week.