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May 19, 2019 6:41 AM CST
Name: John
Wisconsin (Zone 4a)
On the chipmunks and mice I forgot to add.....sometimes I'll feed the chipmunks. I provide them with sunflower seeds away from my plants. It seems to be working. Otherwise they take a couple bites out of a nice ripe tomato frequently. A pan of water during a dry spell works also. I think they're looking for moisture in the tomato.

Another cold rainy day here, temps in the 40's.
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May 24, 2019 6:24 AM CST
Name: John
Wisconsin (Zone 4a)
Good morning to all (I'm usually on here in the morning because this time of year it's cold and kind of dreary outside)
Anyway I just posted my garden hose discovery over in the "tools and stuff" section. It's a metal garden hose that really works well when you have to drag it around inside a GH.
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May 30, 2019 8:10 AM CST
Name: John
Wisconsin (Zone 4a)
I am now on page 18 (of 50) on this GH thread. Interesting info to say the least.

In my GH I have three 11' shelves on each side of GH. 18" deep. That's 66' total length. And they are full. Sure is pretty. (this is my first spring with the GH) Up here in the North we can put plants outside after the traditional Memorial Day date. But I am going to leave some in there if I can turn down the heat. Just doesn't look right empty.
Avatar for ccborg2
Jun 1, 2019 10:57 AM CST
New Mexico
I have a HFGH, $600.00 about 5 yrs ago. I live in NM, lots of wind, hubby has added extra braces and built a new doorway. Have 6x6 beams bolted to it. Love it! Heats with propane and put plastic up so heat would not go to ceiling, Less $$ last winter.nHe also built a "pergola" next to it, so I can put plants outside in summer.That and the greenhouse is covered with shadecloth (mesh tarp) from HF. Same mesh on internet would ne about $80.00, at HF for $50.00 12x20.
Thumb of 2019-06-01/ccborg2/de62a4
Jun 1, 2019 11:44 AM CST
Name: Karen
New Mexico (Zone 8a)
Region: New Mexico Region: Arizona Region: Ukraine Cactus and Succulents Plant Identifier Plays in the sandbox
Greenhouse Bromeliad Adeniums Morning Glories Avid Green Pages Reviewer Brugmansias
I'm also in NM. I've been thinking of adding one or two of these. I already have a small domed greenhouse, but need more gh room. We have very high winds most of the year, so it's good to hear it can be made to withstand the wind.
Handcrafted Coastal Inspired Art SeaMosaics!
Jun 1, 2019 3:27 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Cheryl
North of Houston TX (Zone 9a)
Region: Texas Greenhouse Plant Identifier Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Plumerias Ponds
Foliage Fan Enjoys or suffers hot summers Tropicals Garden Ideas: Master Level Garden Sages Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
ccborg2 said:I have a HFGH, $600.00 about 5 yrs ago. I live in NM, lots of wind, hubby has added extra braces and built a new doorway. Have 6x6 beams bolted to it. Love it! Heats with propane and put plastic up so heat would not go to ceiling, Less $$ last winter.nHe also built a "pergola" next to it, so I can put plants outside in summer.That and the greenhouse is covered with shadecloth (mesh tarp) from HF. Same mesh on internet would ne about $80.00, at HF for $50.00 12x20.
Thumb of 2019-06-01/ccborg2/de62a4

LOVE the idea of lowering the ceiling inside with plastic!! Lovey dubby Alas my plants go up to the ceiling.
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love Truly, Laugh
uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you Smile.
Last edited by ShadyGreenThumb Jun 1, 2019 3:35 PM Icon for preview
Jun 1, 2019 3:29 PM CST
Name: Karen
New Mexico (Zone 8a)
Region: New Mexico Region: Arizona Region: Ukraine Cactus and Succulents Plant Identifier Plays in the sandbox
Greenhouse Bromeliad Adeniums Morning Glories Avid Green Pages Reviewer Brugmansias
I also thought it was a great idea, but a number of my plants are up to the ceiling too.
Handcrafted Coastal Inspired Art SeaMosaics!
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Jul 9, 2019 5:46 PM CST
Name: Regina Miller
Oak Harbor, Washington
We just got the 6x8 Harbor Freight greenhouse built in April. We had a hard time getting someone to get it built and I'm struggling to get it all buttoned up. I have not sealed the panels and wasn't so worried as we were in spring and I didn't think I needed to worry until getting it sealed up for winter. Well, now I have earwigs making the polycarb panel slots their hang out space. How can I safely get them out before sealing the panels, hopefully without taking the panels off. We had a hard enough time getting someone to build. We are in our 70's so cannot get everything done ourselves. We are in the Pacific northwest, in Washington. Thanks for any recommendations. Regina
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Aug 14, 2019 6:10 AM CST
Name: John
Wisconsin (Zone 4a)
On the earwig problem......if you have or know somebody that has a air compressor, blow air into the openings, that might force them out.
I got moisture into a couple of mine while being built and the air compressor trick worked to get the moisture out.
Aug 25, 2019 7:35 AM CST
Name: Ric Sanders
Dover, Pa. (Zone 6b)
And his children Are his flowers ..
Birds Seed Starter Keeper of Poultry Ponds Region: Pennsylvania Greenhouse
Garden Art Dog Lover Cottage Gardener Butterflies Vegetable Grower Garden Ideas: Master Level
We edged the top and bottom of our panels with metal duct tape, leaving the top sealed and pricking the bottom with a pin. We got no vapor or bugs. Moisture in the panels can lead to algae which blocks the sun. If you go way back to The thread "Harbor Freight Greenhouse projects" in Greenhouses forum you can see what all we did to our HFGH. Both HollyAnnS and I, posted about our build.
I also wrote articles about improvement made. If you can find a reference to OldMud House's build of their HFGH it is really good help also. We have been using our HFGH for 9 years now and are pretty happy with it. Smiling
Ric of MAF @ DG
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Oct 1, 2019 10:15 PM CST
Name: John
Wisconsin (Zone 4a)
The summers winding down here in Zone 4a. My HF 10x12 was empty of plants this summer but I used it to park lawn mowers, trimmers, etc. I removed 3 panels and had doors open so it wasn't extremely hot in there.
I have some tomato plants planted outside right next to the GH and 1 or 2 plants found there way into one of the open panels and right now the vines are growing inside GH almost the entire length and up to the peak. Lots of little green tomatoes on them. I'll let them go until the cold weather comes. Will try and post a pic of this phenomenon.

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