Oh well, at least you tried to send some Doris!
Susie, they don't like the frost at all, so as long as you have no frost, they will be OK! I kept a few of mine out all winter, and I lost some, but a few are coming back. Most of them will come back from the roots, if you mulch them really good! But that is my area, where we only get a few weeks of really cold weather. Not for sure how they would do up north? So if I were you, when it starts getting down in temp and you know it will be frosty, cover them with a sheet or something, or bring them inside. Make sure you take your cutings in the fall, and bring them inside to root for next year. Make sure you keep the water changed, and a little peroxide added to the water. If you have them in pots, they are a lot easier to bring inside, and won't have to dig them up.