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Feb 11, 2014 11:26 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Elena
NYC (Zone 7a)
Bee Lover Vegetable Grower Plant and/or Seed Trader Spiders! Seed Starter Garden Procrastinator
Peonies Organic Gardener Orchids Irises Hybridizer Composter
I'm looking for some Dianthus Green Trick seeds for a friend of mine. She's getting married this year and would like to grow her bouquet. She loves that Dianthus but neither if us can find any seeds for it. If anyone has any or knows of someplace to buy it I'd be grateful for the help! I'm willing to trade seeds or just buy them outright. She's already purchased all the other seeds-this is the last one she needs. Thanks!
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Feb 12, 2014 11:52 PM CST
Name: Lori
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Plant Identifier
I'd be kind of surprised if this cultivar was capable of producing seeds. I do see plugs being sold for it (in other words, vegetatively propagated). When flowers get so highly distorted, they are sometimes no longer actually capable of producing seed, although I don't know if that's the case for this one.
Does anyone know?
Feb 13, 2014 9:40 AM CST
Name: greene
Savannah, GA (Sunset 28) (Zone 8b)
I have no use for internet bullies!
Avid Green Pages Reviewer Keeper of Poultry Vegetable Grower Rabbit Keeper Frugal Gardener Garden Ideas: Master Level
Plant Identifier Region: Georgia Native Plants and Wildflowers Composter Garden Sages Bookworm
No good news from me, sorry.
Can only be grown from plugs; the plant cannot produce seeds.
And the plugs can be hard to locate and very expensive.
Sunset Zone 28, AHS Heat Zone 9, USDA zone 8b~"Leaf of Faith"
Feb 13, 2014 2:06 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Elena
NYC (Zone 7a)
Bee Lover Vegetable Grower Plant and/or Seed Trader Spiders! Seed Starter Garden Procrastinator
Peonies Organic Gardener Orchids Irises Hybridizer Composter
Thanks for letting me know. I'm not familiar with this variety of Dianthus. I thought those were seed heads. *Blush* Do you know where I can get the plugs? She has her heart set on them and a handful of plants should be more than enough. I don't mind buying them unless they are outrageously expensive. I've never seen them for sale in any garden centers in NY. Are they more common in other parts of the country?
Feb 13, 2014 7:32 PM CST
Name: greene
Savannah, GA (Sunset 28) (Zone 8b)
I have no use for internet bullies!
Avid Green Pages Reviewer Keeper of Poultry Vegetable Grower Rabbit Keeper Frugal Gardener Garden Ideas: Master Level
Plant Identifier Region: Georgia Native Plants and Wildflowers Composter Garden Sages Bookworm
They may be available from Thompson and Morgan in the UK; don't know if they ship to the US. I checked their US and Canadian site and the product is not recognized.
Sunset Zone 28, AHS Heat Zone 9, USDA zone 8b~"Leaf of Faith"
Feb 19, 2014 7:35 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Elena
NYC (Zone 7a)
Bee Lover Vegetable Grower Plant and/or Seed Trader Spiders! Seed Starter Garden Procrastinator
Peonies Organic Gardener Orchids Irises Hybridizer Composter
Thanks Greene! Unfortunately the UK T & M doesn't ship to the US. I'm not even sure the US one is in business since their website doesn't seem to have been updated for 2014. I guess I'll just have to hope I'll see some plugs come springtime. Smiling
Feb 19, 2014 8:06 PM CST
Name: greene
Savannah, GA (Sunset 28) (Zone 8b)
I have no use for internet bullies!
Avid Green Pages Reviewer Keeper of Poultry Vegetable Grower Rabbit Keeper Frugal Gardener Garden Ideas: Master Level
Plant Identifier Region: Georgia Native Plants and Wildflowers Composter Garden Sages Bookworm
Growers of this plant are still aiming at the floral designers and hoping for the big money, so this isn't yet an 'Every day plant'. This one won't be in the big box stores just yet.

Here is a site which has possibilities: They have Green Ball Dianthus but I have no clue how/where/when the starts are available or at what cost.

Click on 'Retailers'; click on 'Find a grower', the resulting page has choices, but there is also a phone number which may get to the answer more quickly.

Hey, we gotta keep the bride happy, right? Thumbs up
Sunset Zone 28, AHS Heat Zone 9, USDA zone 8b~"Leaf of Faith"
Feb 19, 2014 8:24 PM CST
Name: greene
Savannah, GA (Sunset 28) (Zone 8b)
I have no use for internet bullies!
Avid Green Pages Reviewer Keeper of Poultry Vegetable Grower Rabbit Keeper Frugal Gardener Garden Ideas: Master Level
Plant Identifier Region: Georgia Native Plants and Wildflowers Composter Garden Sages Bookworm
Still researching;
The company has a growing station on Long Island - Van de Wetering Greenhouses, Inc., Jamesport, New York.
Sunset Zone 28, AHS Heat Zone 9, USDA zone 8b~"Leaf of Faith"
Feb 20, 2014 10:02 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Elena
NYC (Zone 7a)
Bee Lover Vegetable Grower Plant and/or Seed Trader Spiders! Seed Starter Garden Procrastinator
Peonies Organic Gardener Orchids Irises Hybridizer Composter
Thank you so much Greene! I'll try & see if I can find any more information about whether the plants will be available for purchase this Spring. I'm not sure if it will ever be popular for most gardeners but there are people out there who like unusual plants! If floral designers want it then why wouldn't gardeners? Wonder if I could convince the greenhouse owners to let me buy any plants they consider rejects? Can't hurt to ask! Thanks again! You're an Angel !
Feb 20, 2014 10:30 PM CST
Name: greene
Savannah, GA (Sunset 28) (Zone 8b)
I have no use for internet bullies!
Avid Green Pages Reviewer Keeper of Poultry Vegetable Grower Rabbit Keeper Frugal Gardener Garden Ideas: Master Level
Plant Identifier Region: Georgia Native Plants and Wildflowers Composter Garden Sages Bookworm
Don't thank me too soon. Have you read the 'fine print' on the site listed under 'Propagation and Licensing'? They may not sell directly to the consumer; you may need to arrange this purchase through a local, licensed grower. Good luck and I hope you can make this work!

I wouldn't be so interested except that green really is my favorite color and I'm hoping for an invitation to the wedding. Rolling on the floor laughing Rolling on the floor laughing
Sunset Zone 28, AHS Heat Zone 9, USDA zone 8b~"Leaf of Faith"
Feb 21, 2014 4:45 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Elena
NYC (Zone 7a)
Bee Lover Vegetable Grower Plant and/or Seed Trader Spiders! Seed Starter Garden Procrastinator
Peonies Organic Gardener Orchids Irises Hybridizer Composter
I just saw the bride-to-be. She has a friend in the UK who was willing to buy the seeds from T&M but they don't sell it anymore. I'm going to contact ball seed & see if I can find out who in the US will be selling the plants. If that doesn't work out I'll try contacting floral designers in Manhattan & see if they have any ideas. She swears this plant is the big thing for bridal bouquets in 2014. If that is true someone somewhere has to have some to sell.
I don't have a date for the wedding yet. You can be my guest! Smiling Hope you don't have Fall allergies since it looks to be an outside wedding in upstate NY in October. I hope I don't sneeze throughout the ceremony! Rolling on the floor laughing
Feb 21, 2014 6:03 PM CST
Name: greene
Savannah, GA (Sunset 28) (Zone 8b)
I have no use for internet bullies!
Avid Green Pages Reviewer Keeper of Poultry Vegetable Grower Rabbit Keeper Frugal Gardener Garden Ideas: Master Level
Plant Identifier Region: Georgia Native Plants and Wildflowers Composter Garden Sages Bookworm
@Elena, There are NO seeds to buy. The plant does not produce seeds. Please save your money.

I think buying the plant material through your local florist, while not the least expensive choice, may be the best. Do you have experience with floral design? (No, I am not volunteering my services, sorry.) Upstate New York is beautiful in the Fall. Why not convince the bride (yeah, right) to go with Fall colors. Way less expensive.

I'm good - no fall allergies, only allergic to the southern pine pollen. I used to live 50 miles from NYC and often drove the car into the city to go shopping; thanks for the invite.

Gosh, I need to buy new clothes! My hair! My nails... Rolling on the floor laughing just kidding.
Sunset Zone 28, AHS Heat Zone 9, USDA zone 8b~"Leaf of Faith"
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