African Horned Melon

By greene
March 13, 2014

This fruit has many names. It originated in Africa and has been called Horned Melon, Hedged Melon, Melano, and a few other names, the most amusing one being Jelly Melon and the most inexplicable one being English Tomato. The fruit made its way to New Zealand, where the name 'Kiwano' was added (patented name) because they had such good luck getting the world to eat Kiwi fruit and thought Kiwano would catch on more quickly than African Horned Melon.

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Mar 13, 2014 4:17 AM CST
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Name: Carole
Clarksville, TN (Zone 6b)
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I have been wanting to try these and have just the place to do so this year. Thanks for jogging my memory, greene.
I garden for the pollinators.
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