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Feb 4, 2010 3:03 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carolyn Madden
The WITWIT Badge Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Amaryllis Ponds Purslane
Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Heucheras Dog Lover
This Ginger Ale. I bought GA in a co op and cannot believe how big he has gotten....This photo was taken last August.

Thumb of 2010-02-04/Carolyn22-2be704
Feb 4, 2010 3:06 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carolyn Madden
The WITWIT Badge Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Amaryllis Ponds Purslane
Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Heucheras Dog Lover
I also really like the colors of Sparkling Burgundy.... this was also taken last August...

Thumb of 2010-02-04/Carolyn22-9eb887
Feb 4, 2010 3:14 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carolyn Madden
The WITWIT Badge Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Amaryllis Ponds Purslane
Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Heucheras Dog Lover
This one is a 2010 introduction that I was able to get in a co op last year. The color on him is great and I really hope he makes it through the winter. This is Golden Zebra...

Thumb of 2010-02-04/Carolyn22-19cd5d
Avatar for audwoman
Feb 4, 2010 5:54 PM CST
Name: Aud/Odd Lenora
Amberwave, 2 years old

Thumb of 2010-02-04/audwoman-67d315
Feb 5, 2010 2:25 AM CST
Name: Stormy
Valley Forge Pa
I Love MAM ~ So Happy Together
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Carolyn, Your Golden Zebra did a lot better than mine. Those co-op plugs didn't do well for me last year. They kept getting drowned in all of that rain.

Audwoman, Lovely Amber Wave.
Feb 5, 2010 3:51 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carolyn Madden
The WITWIT Badge Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Amaryllis Ponds Purslane
Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Heucheras Dog Lover

I bought 2 of the Golden Zebra just in case. I lost one of the others that I had only bought singles though - I think it was 'Havana'.

I really will not know what I have until winter is over. I lost a number of them last year to heaving.

Perhaps we can have some type of Heuchera Hoedown this spring on Cubits.... Smiling
Feb 5, 2010 4:01 AM CST
Name: Stormy
Valley Forge Pa
I Love MAM ~ So Happy Together
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Perhaps we can get you to a swap and you can get a bunch in person!!
Feb 6, 2010 12:52 AM CST
Name: Stormy
Valley Forge Pa
I Love MAM ~ So Happy Together
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Peach Flambe. A reliable, hardy Heuch!

Thumb of 2010-02-06/stormyla-9bb4c4
Feb 6, 2010 12:57 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carolyn Madden
The WITWIT Badge Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Amaryllis Ponds Purslane
Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Heucheras Dog Lover
Audwoman - Amberwaves reminds me a lot of Caramel, but I believe one is a sport of the other....

Stormyla - I have tried Peach Flambe twice and lost it both times. I have come to the conclusion that PF just was not meant to be for me. I do have a Georgia Peach coming and I do love Peach Melba.....

Thumb of 2010-02-06/Carolyn22-a908b8
Feb 6, 2010 12:59 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carolyn Madden
The WITWIT Badge Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Amaryllis Ponds Purslane
Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Heucheras Dog Lover
I put in Pistache last Summer. Don't you love the chartreuse coloring?

Thumb of 2010-02-06/Carolyn22-ddff3d
Feb 6, 2010 1:00 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carolyn Madden
The WITWIT Badge Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Amaryllis Ponds Purslane
Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Heucheras Dog Lover
Southern Comfort was new last Summer. I think this one will really take off this year with it's villosa heritage.

(edited because I cannot spell)

Thumb of 2010-02-06/Carolyn22-f27916
Feb 6, 2010 1:03 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carolyn Madden
The WITWIT Badge Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Amaryllis Ponds Purslane
Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Heucheras Dog Lover
Here is Pinot Noir. I dont' think he is in an area that is large enough, I will probably have to move him this year.

Thumb of 2010-02-06/Carolyn22-bdb509
Feb 6, 2010 1:05 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carolyn Madden
The WITWIT Badge Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Amaryllis Ponds Purslane
Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Heucheras Dog Lover
Purple Petticoats...

Thumb of 2010-02-06/Carolyn22-df3f61
Feb 6, 2010 1:07 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carolyn Madden
The WITWIT Badge Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Amaryllis Ponds Purslane
Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Heucheras Dog Lover
Don't you love Tiarellas? This one is Pink Skyrocket.

Thumb of 2010-02-06/Carolyn22-aaa0eb
Feb 6, 2010 1:15 PM CST
Name: Stormy
Valley Forge Pa
I Love MAM ~ So Happy Together
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Carolyn, I'm surprised to hear that about Peach Flambe. Love Georgia Peach, very hardy and great color. Peach Melba is reliable, but a slow grower for me.

Pistache is my favorite so far of the limes. Vey Hardy and great color It can get a spotted brown fungus if it gets too wet, but a quick spray will clear that up

Harvest Lemon Chiffon

Thumb of 2010-02-06/stormyla-ad516f
Feb 6, 2010 1:21 PM CST
Name: Stormy
Valley Forge Pa
I Love MAM ~ So Happy Together
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Carolyn, I'm starting to have mixed feelings about Tiarellas. They just don't grab me like the Heuchs do. I have quite a few of them and I must say that I suffered almost no losses with them last year.

Tiarella Dark Star. I like it better later in the season when the dark purple veining is more pronounced.

Thumb of 2010-02-06/stormyla-592770
Feb 6, 2010 1:25 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carolyn Madden
The WITWIT Badge Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Amaryllis Ponds Purslane
Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Heucheras Dog Lover
Gorgeous color on that Harvest Lemon Chiffon.

I have split my Peach Melba so many times for trades, that I really cannot comment on whether it is a slow grower or not. I haven't given it the chance that it really needs - I won't be dividing that one again for another year or two.

Here is my slow grower - Sashay. I am hoping this next year that she comes into her own...

Thumb of 2010-02-06/Carolyn22-6b90b4
Feb 6, 2010 1:29 PM CST
Name: Stormy
Valley Forge Pa
I Love MAM ~ So Happy Together
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Yes, Carolyn. Sashay is slow for me too. So is Pinot Noir. But Pinot Gris does really well.
Feb 6, 2010 1:42 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Carolyn Madden
The WITWIT Badge Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Amaryllis Ponds Purslane
Seed Starter Garden Ideas: Level 1 Plant and/or Seed Trader Hummingbirder Heucheras Dog Lover
Mary I like T. Dark Star - especially with the red one that is to the left of it? What is that one?
Feb 6, 2010 9:17 PM CST
Name: Stormy
Valley Forge Pa
I Love MAM ~ So Happy Together
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
I can't remember right now Carolyn and with 2' of snow on the ground I can't check. It's one of the purple something or others. Here's a better shot of it.

Thumb of 2010-02-07/stormyla-ba2556

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